Faith Talks 2010: Margaret Feinberg, Part 2

For the 2010 Faith Talks lecture series, Tyndale presents Margaret Feinberg, who will be speaking on the ideas from her book, The Sacred Echo.
Instead of listening for a one-time whisper or a still small voice, Feinberg tries to recognize what she calls “sacred echoes.” In these moments, God speaks the same message again and again. Feinberg, author of the critically acclaimed The Organic God, gently guides listeners to a deeper understanding of how God communicates with his people. The sacred echo is also a way that a relationally-driven God seeks to connect with his people, says Feinberg. The persistent voice of God is a sign that he is passionately pursuing relationship with us. It’s not just that we’re not listening, distracted or obstinate (though that may be true, too), or that he’s simply trying to pass along a message. When God echoes ‘I love you’, for example, “it’s not a slice of information but a feast of transformation.”
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