Pre-Requisites of this Seminary Program

Leadership Location

It is our belief that one learns to lead not simply by reading books on the topic and writing papers. We only learn to lead by leading. But that is only the beginning. Leadership is also learned by a reflective engagement of our practices of leading. This requires a disciplined reading and study of the topic, particularly as it relates to the larger Mission of God. Then, based on this work the reader re-evaluates his or her current practice of leadership. As a result practices are changed. But, it never stops there. Leadership is about creating an ever deepening cycle of leading, study and reflection, evaluation of practices in light of this and then more leading.

So, the MDiv Church in the City requires that all students entering the program be either in a position where they are able to exercise leadership, or be actively in the process of searching for that location and working on a timeline where that will be in place by the end of the first semester. Our concern is not that one be in a paid position or even a formal position. The key is that it be a position where the student is able to actually exercise leadership.