Judi Rees-Mantle

Judy Rees-MantleR.N., M.Div.

For as long as I can remember I have had a deep desire to love and know God.  I set out to learn as much as I could about scripture and theology. Yet, through difficult circumstances, all the “head knowledge” I gained did not sustain me during my deepest time of need; I still longed for a deeper relationship with him. As I was introduced to the spiritual disciplines, I began to experience the presence of God in my life more fully. This increased my awareness of the ways God was loving, guiding, redeeming and healing me.  Life today is moving at a frenetic pace and we have so much on our plates. It can be difficult at times to slow down long enough to see God at work and to listen for his voice. I enjoy coming along side others as they seek to deepen their own awareness of God in their lives.

I live in Stouffville with my husband, two teenage daughters and our chocolate lab named Jack. I am Registered Nurse and obtained my MDiv and Spiritual Direction training through Tyndale Seminary.

Contact: jreesmantle [at] msn [dot] com

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