This is our second of four chapels commemorating Dr. Nelson’s leadership to Tyndale over the past decade. Rick Tobias will give us his wise words gleaned from his years of service in a ministry of compassion and consider what he has been thinking about recently in the area of justice.
Since 1984, Rick Tobias has been a regular lecturer at Tyndale University College & Seminary in the areas of urban ministry, youth-at-risk and poverty in Canada. He is the former President and CEO of Yonge Street Mission in Toronto. He is best known for his life-long advocacy on behalf of low-income and marginalized people, and for collaborating with business and professional leaders to promote change in the city. He continues to lead staff and volunteers as they craft programs that help break the cycle of multi-generational poverty.
Speaker: Rick Tobias
Chapel Date: Tuesday November 5, 2019
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