Chapel - Jesse Sudirgo

Jesse Sudirgo

This week we will hear from Professor Jesse Sudirgo, Assistant Professor of Contextual Ministry at the Seminary at Tyndale University. In his message, Jesse, using Matthew 16:25 as his text, reminds us of Jesus’ call to and on us and of God’s fruitful abundance in the face of a culture that broadcasts scarcity. The message is equal parts inspiring and prophetic.

Jesse Sudirgo is the Director of the Masters of Divinity Church in the City (In-Ministry) Program and Assistant Professor of Contextual Ministry at the Seminary. He has a diverse breadth of experience in multiple disciplines of ministry in both the church and non-profit sectors. He is the former Director of Street-Involved Services at the YSM Evergreen Centre and continues to consult with churches in their engagement with poverty in the city. He brings to his work a conviction for interdisciplinary theological reflection that considers those most marginalized in society. His background in church planting in Boston Massachusetts has shaped his interests in missional lay leadership, community development, and urban poverty.

Speaker: Jesse Sudirgo
Chapel Date: Tuesday April 21, 2020
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