Tyndale Seminary Faculty Publications

The Tentmaking Home as Sanctuary

Dr. Marilyn Draper, Chapter in Tentmakers: Multivocational Ministry in Western Society

Theological Education in Asia: An Indigenous Agenda for Renewal

Dr. Yau Man Siew, Chapter in With an Eye on the Future: Development and Mission in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Ted W. Ward

Theological Reflections of a Veteran Church Planter

Dr. Marilyn Draper, Chapter in Witness: Journal of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education

Toward a Version of "Narratival Hermeneutics"

Dr. Barbara Leung Lai, Chapter in Reading In-Between: Biblical Interpretation in Canada

Uncovering the Isaian Personality: Wishful Thinking or Viable Task?

Dr. Barbara Leung Lai, Chapter in Text and Community: Essays in Memory of Bruce M. Metzger
