Faculty Photo Submission Guidelines

We make an effort to have professional photos taken of all of Tyndale’s Faculty right here on campus. Sometimes we are unable to schedule your photo for a period of time and request that you submit a photo to be used until we can arrange a time to take one.

Here are a few simple guidelines to help you select the right photo to submit. There is also example photos below.

Submitted Photo Guidelines

The quality of your digital photo

Your digital photo should be:

  • clear and in focus
  • in colour
  • at least 720 pixels wide and 540 pixels tall - larger is fine (pixel size)
  • at least 50KB and no more than 5MB (file size)

What your digital photo should show

The digital photo should:

  • contain no other objects or people
  • have the subject (you) centred in the photo with plenty of space around you for cropping
  • have you visible from (at least) the chest up and have some space above the head.
  • be taken against a plain light-coloured background
  • be in clear contrast to the backgroud
  • not contain harsh shadows behind you
  • not have red-eye

If you do not have a photo of yourself that meets these guidelines, please submit the best photo you have and we will do our best to make it work.

Photos and questions regarding photos can be sent to webteam [at] tyndale [dot] ca

Example Photo

Example Faculty Photo featuring

Photo meets guidelines. Sufficient space around to crop. Simple background. Size is large enough.