Person Bio Component

This is a sample page for a new Component type called Person Bio. This Component should be used to create either a single bio for a person or a list of persons in a manual list.

The person's name is required but all other fields are optional. These fields include: photo, title, bio, email, phone number, location and website. These options should work within most use cases.

Andy Smith in front of a black background

Andy Smith

Manager, Website Strategy & Development
416-226-6620 Ext. 2714

Andy heads up the website efforts here at Tyndale. He often uses himself or his infomation in examples. His desire is to make sure Tyndale employees have the tools and training to create amazing website content without having to be professional web developers. If you'd like more information about this component, connect with Andy today!

Dr. Stewart Boehmer, President from 1975 to 1989

Dr. Stewart Boehmer

President 1975 - 1989 (TBS, OBC)

Dr. Stewart Boehmer was President Toronto Bible College/Ontario Bible College (Tyndale) from 1963 to 1973. He was born in 1907 in Kitchener, Ontario, and attended Benton Street Baptist Church with his family while growing up. He graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 1933, and his first pastorate was at First Baptist Church in Waterloo, Ontario. In 1943, he accepted an invitation to be the pastor of St. John’s Evangelical Church (later Calvary Church) in Toronto, Ontario, leading the church through a major building project and growing their missions and Sunday School ministries...

» Read more about Dr. Stewart Boehmer