Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 51 - 75 of 370

Course code Course Name/Description
OLDT 0524 1 & 2 Chronicles
Among the least read (and most misunderstood) books in the Old Testament are 1 & 2 Chronicles. Yet, we will discover in this course that...
DMSF 0903 Desiring God: Sacred Paths and Spiritual Mentors
An analysis of selected historical and contemporary movements and models intended to cultivate spiritual growth, including such topics as...
PENT 0505 Pentecostal Theology
An examination of classical Pentecostal theology with references to the early evangelical influences that contributed to its formation....
COUN 0772 Theories and Methods of Family Therapy I
An examination of current theories of marital and family therapy (Bowenian, strategic, structural, cognitive behavioural and psychoanalytic...
COUN 0774 Theories and Methods of Family Therapy II
An examination of current theories of marital and family therapy (solution-focused, contextual, experiential, narrative and Milan), along...
MISS 0786 Poverty in Canada: The Church’s Mission Among the Poor
An examination of the causes and effects of poverty in Canada from a sociological and biblical perspective, with a focus on poverty as a...
THEO 0629 John Wesley’s Theology: Renewing the Heart, Renewing the Church
An examination of the life and thought of John Wesley, and of early Methodism as a movement of evangelism, renewal and mission within the...
MISS CM06 Special Topics in Mission
An examination of various topics in missions. May be repeated with different content in different years. Offered in Mandarin.
OLDT 0617 Jeremiah
An exegetical and thematic study of selected texts from the Book of Jeremiah. Attention will be devoted to reading through historical and...
OLDT 0516 Minor Prophets
An exegetical and theological study of selected texts from the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets. Attention will be devoted to the historical...
DMSF 0911 Space for God: Personalizing Sacred Practices
An exploration of ancient practices of the church that will enhance one’s spiritual well-being in the midst of the busyness of daily life and...
THEO 0659 Holiness: The Life of God in the People of God
An exploration of the Christian calling to be holy as God is holy. Examines holiness through engagement with some of the most important...
DMSF 0930 Journey Through Suffering and Dying
An exploration of the issues related to suffering, adversity, death, dying and grief. These issues will be examined from a theological,...
DMSF 0901 Listening to God: Discernment for Spiritual Formation
An exploration of the place of discernment in the life of the Christian and of the church, including such topics as attending to the Spirit,...
DMSF 0904 Formational Prayer: The Journey to Wholeness
An integration of Biblical and psychological insights, formational prayer, and transformational spiritual direction, using teaching, modeling...
PENT 0701 Pentecostal Issues
An intensive examination through discussion, research and writing of one current theological issue within Pentecostalism. Topics vary.
NEWT 0321 Elementary Greek I
An intensive introduction to the fundamentals of Greek for the study of the New Testament. Intended for Master of Divinity students and other...
THEO IS11 Ethics in Intercultural Context
An intercultural, contextual introduction to central issues in Christian ethics, with attention to the way in which moral reflection...
SPIR 0609 Prayer and the People of God
An interdisciplinary course about biblical, theological and historical models of individual and corporate prayer. The purpose of this course...
NEWT CM31 Book Study: Romans
An interpretive (exegetical, structural, social, theological and pastoral) study of Paul’s letters to the Roman believers. Students will go...
THEO CM08 Christian Ethics
An introduction to Christian ethics, including the biblical bases, the historical development, and the application of Christian ethics to...
OLDT CM22 Hebrew Grammar I
An introduction to the basic principles of Biblical Hebrew with emphasis on morphology, phonology and syntax including same reading of...
OLDT 0611 Hebrew Grammar I
An introduction to the basic principles of biblical Hebrew with emphasis on morphology, phonology and syntax.
NEWT CM10 Elementary Greek I
An introduction to the fundamentals of Greek for the study of the New Testament. Intended for MDiv and other theological students who wish to...
NEWT CM14 Greek Exegesis I
An introduction to the practice of Greek exegesis with a view to equipping the student with a methodology to interpret the New Testament text...
