Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 26 - 50 of 365

Course code Course Name/Description
NEWT 0722 Prison Epistles
The common thread of Paul’s imprisonment ties Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon together as the “Prison Epistles.” This course...
THEO IS22 Creation and Transformation
The center of Christian theology is Jesus Christ who unites Creator and creation. Therefore, this course will focus on the scriptural and...
PAST CM21 Introduction to Chinese Preaching
Teaches the basic principles of “bridging” what the biblical text meant in ancient times to what it means today, especially in the Chinese...
COUN 0672 Human Sexuality
Takes an interdisciplinary Bio-Psycho-Social and theological approach to understanding Human Sexuality. The content will include a...
HIST 0665 Evangelicalism
Takes a global perspective to trace the development of evangelicalism from the 1700s to the present day. Evangelicalism will be compared and...
THEO CM06 Christianity and Chinese Culture
Surveys the history, development and characteristics of the Chinese culture in comparison to the Christian faith (theology, anthropology and...
THEO CM28 Chinese Church History and Theology
Survey of the development of the Christian church in China, from the Nestorians to the present, with emphasis on the 19th and 20th century...
CHED CM11 Education for Discipleship and Spiritual Development
Studies the various factors that affect how we help others to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Biblical, theological, historical, and...
THEO 0653 Creation, New Creation, and Creation Stewardship
Studies the theology of salvation, particularly as it relates to the place of the created order in God’s redemptive plan and the meaning of “...
DMML 0906 The Learning Organization
Students will collectively discuss, examine, and explore why it is essential for churches and Christian NGO’s to be learning organizations in...
COUN 0793 Research Thesis in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Students complete a major research proposal in the field of counselling and psychotherapy that demonstrates their ability to formulate a...
HIST 0545 Early Christian Spirituality
Spirituality, seen as integration and peace in life, surged into popularity in the West in the late 20th century. Offers a fresh perspective...
HIST 0609 Chistian-Muslim Encounters
Soon after its appearance in the seventh century, Islam became an integral part of the ancient world in which Christianity had taken root in...
CHED CM17 Church Growth through Small Groups
Seeks to understand the basic principles underlying the operation of small groups and how small groups can promote healthy church growth. We...
INTD CM11 Christians in the Marketplace
Seeks to provide a biblical, theological reading and understanding of the marketplace as a context for kingdom impact and ministries....
COUN 0680 Research Methods in Counselling
Seeks to familiarize learners with research methodologies and techniques applied to the field of marriage and family therapy. Students will...
MISS 0688 Developing Intercultural Competency for Ministry
Seeks to develop intercultural competencies for Christian leaders. Students will learn how to develop greater cultural self-awareness,...
LEAD 0510 Leadership Development
Seeks to develop biblical-theological, historical and cultural understandings of leadership in the church, ministry organizations and the...
BIBL 0799 Biblical Studies Thesis
See the Thesis Handbook for details.
PENT 0799 Pentecostal Studies Thesis
See the Thesis Handbook for details.
THEO 0799 Theology Thesis
See the Thesis Handbook for details.
OLDT/NEWT/THEO/HIST 0899 Thesis Research and Writing
See the Thesis Handbook for details.
SALV 0799 Salvation Army Studies Thesis
See the Thesis Handbook for details on this option.
INTD 0701 Internship
See Seminary Academic Programs for general information on the Tyndale Seminary Internship Program (TSIP). Permission required.
PAST 0598 Creativity and Change in Ministry
Same as YMIN 0598.
