Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 101 - 125 of 370

Course code Course Name/Description
MISS CM11 Introduction to Theology of Mission
Provides an overview of both the Old and New Testaments, and explores the biblical and theological foundation of global mission, to help the...
PAST 0741 Pastoral Care and Counselling
Provides an introduction to pastoral care and counselling within the context of the Christian ministry. The nature of pastoral care and...
COUN 0773 Couple Therapy: An Integrative Perspective
Provides an integrative therapeutic perspective incorporating cognitive behavioural, solution-focused and an integrative therapeutic...
SPIR 0700 Spiritual Formation
Provides an integrated study of the Christian life and the development of personal character shaped by the values and virtues of God’s...
OLDT 0624 Deuteronomy
Provides an in-depth overview of the key topics, themes, and theological emphases of the book of Deuteronomy. Emphasis will be placed on the...
CHED 0552 Learning to Teach; Teaching to Disciple
Provides a vision for Christian education (CE) in the life and mission of the church. Drawing from key passages in the Bible and the wider...
SPIR CM09 Spiritual Formation
Provides a personal spiritual growth experience through a theological understanding of the essentials of spiritual formation; exploring major...
PAST 0546 Worship: Liturgy and Life
Provides a framework for thinking together about vital and faithful Christian worship by: exploring the biblical and theological foundations...
MISS CM03 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
Provides a comprehensive survey of the nature of the Christian mission worldwide with a focus on fulfilling the Great Commission. It covers...
MISS 0585 Perspectives on Global Mission
Provides a comprehensive survey of the nature of Christian mission worldwide. Covers the biblical foundation of mission, the historical...
LEAD 0611 Work, Vocation and Ministry
Provides a biblical and theological reading of the marketplace as a context for kingdom impact and effective ministry. It will revisit the...
DMCC 0901 Integration of Faith and Psychology
Proposes an understanding of the integration of faith and psychology as a matter of personal integrity, i.e., as the development and embrace...
MISS 0782 Gospel, Church and Culture
Preparing missional leaders requires careful examination of the ideologies and cultural milieu of contemporary society. Examines the main...
OLDT CM33 Deuteronomy
Overview of the message of Deuteronomy with special emphasis on the review of wilderness wandering, the ten words of covenant at Horeb, the...
COUN 0674 Personality Theories
Overview of major personality theories with regard to their development, philosophical assumptions, theoretical concepts and their clinical...
YMIN 0598 Creativity and Change in Ministry
Often we are educated in critical thinking in preparation for ministry. However, in the field of the professional ministry, thinking that...
COUN 0775 Professional Ethics
Offers the participant a foundational knowledge of the field of professional ethics as it relates to the practice of Marriage and Family...
NEWT 0619 Encountering Jesus in the Gospels
Offers an opportunity to study Jesus through the lens of the canonical Gospels. We will consider what it means to know and follow Jesus based...
PENT 0504 Pentecostal Spirituality
Offers a fresh, constructive and perhaps even controversial interpretation and re-envisioning of the Pentecostal tradition. A study is made...
INTD 0857 Interdisciplinary Seminar: Spiritual Theology
Offers a cross-disciplinary, advanced examination of the spiritual theology of one major theologian or movement. Topics will vary from year...
INTD 0854 Interdisciplinary Seminar: Selected Topics
Offers a cross-disciplinary, advanced examination of one central doctrine in the Bible, theology and history. Topics will vary from year to...
MISS 0785 Christianity and Islam: Global Perspectives
Offers a comprehensive study of Islam: its main teachings and beliefs as well as its socio-political impact worldwide. A variety of topics...
INTD IS16 Integrative Project
Normally, within Indigenous contexts of learning, integration of new experiences takes place more simultaneously. Compartmentalized...
OLDT 0651 Reading Hebrew Narrative
Narrative is a primary literary genre within the Hebrew Bible. This course will examine the creativity, artistry, and literary features...
DMNO 0901 Facing the Unique Challenges of Leading Non-Profit Organizations: Why Business Thinking is not Enough
Looks at the unique issues encountered by Christian leaders in non-profit organizations. Focus will be placed on the organization that you...
