Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 1 - 21 of 21

Course code Course Name/Description
CHED 0551 Historical and Philosophical Foundations for Christian Education
Provides an overview of the history of education from the classical Greek and Roman periods to postcolonial times. While the focus is on...
CHED 0552 Learning to Teach; Teaching to Disciple
Provides a vision for Christian education (CE) in the life and mission of the church. Drawing from key passages in the Bible and the wider...
CHED 0553 Nurturing the Spiritual Lives of Children
Builds a biblical foundation, explores faith development issues and formulates a rationale for ministry to children. Practical approaches...
CHED 0563 Disability, Theology, and the Church: Everybody Belongs
Same as PAST 0563 and SPIR 0563.
CHED 0570 Directed Reading and Research
Directed Reading and Research (DRR) courses allow students to study in a specific area of interest not addressed by the scheduled course...
CHED 0596 Children, Youth Ministry and the Changing Family
Builds a biblical and theological foundation, explores faith development issues, and formulates a rationale for ministry to and with children...
CHED 0652 Curriculum Design for Learning and Discipleship
Churches often emphasize evangelism and church planting strategies without giving sufficient attention to discipleship and faith formation....
CHED 0662 Tools for Reading Social Contexts: Ethnography for Ministry
Ethnographic research aims to equip students to “read” people in their contexts reliably and accurately. If contextualized ministry is being...
CHED 0663 Building the Church through Small Groups
Same as PAST 0644 and SPIR 0644.
CHED 0670-0675 Special Topics in Christian Education and Discipleship
Examination of specific topics in Christian education and discipleship.
CHED 0693 Evangelism and Discipleship
Same as PAST 0693 and YMIN 0693.
CHED CM05 Human Development and Christian Nurture
Explores and evaluates developmental psychology and analysis of its contributions to the practices of Christian nurture. Students will study...
CHED CM11 Education for Discipleship and Spiritual Development
Studies the various factors that affect how we help others to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Biblical, theological, historical, and...
CHED CM12 Principles for Teaching and Learning
Provides opportunity for learners to understand the learning requirements of people in churches/institutions. It is designed for students to...
CHED CM13 Age Specific and Intergenerational Educational Ministry
Explores the theory and practice of age-specific generational and intergenerational educational ministry in the church. Attention will be...
CHED CM15 MVP Leadership for Children’s Ministry
In this course, students will confirm the Mission, Vision and Passion (MVP) in nurturing children’s faith and identify creative ways to build...
CHED CM17 Church Growth through Small Groups
Seeks to understand the basic principles underlying the operation of small groups and how small groups can promote healthy church growth. We...
CHED CM19 Understanding Challenges of Nurturing Today’s Youth
Analyze the current context and developmental dynamics of today’s youths, so as to realize challenges young people are facing and their multi...
CHED CM29 Introduction to Christian Education
An overview of the educational ministry within the Chinese church context. The principles of Christian education ministry, and the...
CHED CM50 Understanding the Adult Learner
Provides an understanding of adult development and learning. The principles of adult teaching and learning, and the application of those...
CHED IS13 Indigenous Practice of Andragogy
Andragogy is the study of methods, epistemologies, philosophies and contextual understandings of education that pertain to and enhance an...