Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 1 - 14 of 14

Course code Course Name/Description
DMSF 0943 Ministry-Based Field Research
A research project on a ministry of spiritual formation leading to experimental findings, the development of applied ministry competences,...
DMSF 0912 Formed Together: Spiritual Formation in the Company of Others
A theoretical and practical review of dyadic relationships such as mentoring, discipleship, and spiritual direction that play a critical role...
DMSF 0903 Desiring God: Sacred Paths and Spiritual Mentors
An analysis of selected historical and contemporary movements and models intended to cultivate spiritual growth, including such topics as...
DMSF 0911 Space for God: Personalizing Sacred Practices
An exploration of ancient practices of the church that will enhance one’s spiritual well-being in the midst of the busyness of daily life and...
DMSF 0930 Journey Through Suffering and Dying
An exploration of the issues related to suffering, adversity, death, dying and grief. These issues will be examined from a theological,...
DMSF 0901 Listening to God: Discernment for Spiritual Formation
An exploration of the place of discernment in the life of the Christian and of the church, including such topics as attending to the Spirit,...
DMSF 0904 Formational Prayer: The Journey to Wholeness
An integration of Biblical and psychological insights, formational prayer, and transformational spiritual direction, using teaching, modeling...
DMSF 0905 Engaging Scriptures: Spiritual Formation for Information and Transformation
An investigation into how the Bible presents spiritual formation and how the Bible can be employed in spiritual formation, including such...
DMSF 0902 Spiritual Formation: A Historical and Practical Approach
An overview of Christian spirituality and spiritual formation including historical background, foundational issues, and current movements...
DMSF 0941 Spiritual Autobiography: The Ways of the Spirit in a Life
An overview of the ancient and contemporary practice of writing a spiritual autobiography and the composition of one’s own spiritual memoir....
DMSF 0920 Directed Reading and Research
Directed Reading and Research (DRR) courses allow students to study in a specific area of interest not addressed by the scheduled course...
DMSF 0947 Integration: Research Portfolio and Hearing
Facilitates the completion of the summative Doctor of Ministry document, integrating the main three research projects in a portfolio that...
DMSF 0940 Program Continuation
Provides support and guidance for continuing in and completing work for the DMin program. Pass/No Pass. No credits. Permission required.
DMSF 0942 Developing a Model of Spiritual Formation
Students will develop a biblically grounded and informed spiritual formation model and describe it with words, image and/or diagram. Students...