Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 1 - 22 of 22

Course code Course Name/Description
MISS 0785 Christianity and Islam: Global Perspectives
Offers a comprehensive study of Islam: its main teachings and beliefs as well as its socio-political impact worldwide. A variety of topics...
MISS 0621 Church in Context
Designed to introduce the student to the rapidly changing Canadian urban realities and provide a context for reflection on the impact of...
MISS 0603 Compassion, Social Justice and the Mission of God
Compassion and justice are integral to who God is. These are reflected in God’s acts in history and God’s actions today, and are fundamental...
MISS CM07 Cross-cultural Understanding of Mission
Designed to introduce students to the discipline of cultural anthropology from a Christian perspective. Students will learn not only basic...
MISS IS08 Culture and Systems Change
The experience of Christianity has often been culturally disastrous for Indigenous peoples. Through the process of decolonization and...
MISS 0688 Developing Intercultural Competency for Ministry
Seeks to develop intercultural competencies for Christian leaders. Students will learn how to develop greater cultural self-awareness,...
MISS 0570 Directed Reading and Research
Directed Reading and Research (DRR) courses allow students to study in a specific area of interest not addressed by the scheduled course...
MISS CM04 Global History of Mission and Chinese Church as a Sending Church
Analyzes and evaluates 2,000 years of global history of mission, with special emphasis on major mission movements into China, beginning with...
MISS 0586 Globalization and the Church: Missional Theology in a Postmodern Culture
Globalization is one of the main features of our contemporary post-modern culture. This course provides a comprehensive theological and...
MISS 0782 Gospel, Church and Culture
Preparing missional leaders requires careful examination of the ideologies and cultural milieu of contemporary society. Examines the main...
MISS CM11 Introduction to Theology of Mission
Provides an overview of both the Old and New Testaments, and explores the biblical and theological foundation of global mission, to help the...
MISS 0655 Ministry in the Margins: Poverty, Justice and Compassion
Explores theology and practical ministry through a socio-economic lens. Students will seek to discover how one’s social location and economic...
MISS CM08 Mission Ministry and Strategy in the Chinese Church
Based on the importance and implementation of Christian mission in the Chinese churches, this course deals with the foundation of how to...
MISS 0628 Missional Theology of Place: Sign Posts in a Strange Land
Helps the students to develop greater capacity to research and to exegete their neighbourhoods. The student will learn to see spaces as “...
MISS 0585 Perspectives on Global Mission
Provides a comprehensive survey of the nature of Christian mission worldwide. Covers the biblical foundation of mission, the historical...
MISS CM03 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
Provides a comprehensive survey of the nature of the Christian mission worldwide with a focus on fulfilling the Great Commission. It covers...
MISS 0786 Poverty in Canada: The Church’s Mission Among the Poor
An examination of the causes and effects of poverty in Canada from a sociological and biblical perspective, with a focus on poverty as a...
MISS 0565 Radical Hospitality: Welcoming the Stranger through a Theology of Hospitality
Introduces students to a biblical theology and practice of Christian hospitality. Drawing from the history of Christian hospitality, learners...
MISS CM06 Special Topics in Mission
An examination of various topics in missions. May be repeated with different content in different years. Offered in Mandarin.
MISS 0670-0675 Special Topics in Missions
Examination of specific topics in missions.
MISS CM05 The Challenges of World Religions
Analyzes the thought systems and developmental trends of major world religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, and also deals...
MISS 0623 Theology of Church Renewal: Movements of the Spirit
Same as THEO 0623.