Chapel - Dr. Ron Kydd

Portrait shot of Dr. Ronald Kydd

Dr. Ron Kydd details his childhood and his experience of growing up after the Second World War and the importance of God in our current day and age. He examines Galations 2:19-20 to examine why the church is not growing in the west, while thriving in places such as Africa and China.

Dr. Kydd has taught at a number of institutions over the years, including the School of Religious Studies at the University of Saskatchewan, Eastern Pentecostal Bible College (now Master’s College & Seminary), St. Paul’s University and McMaster Divinity College. Previously he served as faculty member, academic dean and acting president at Central Pentecostal College. His published books include Charismatic Gifts in the Early Church, Healing through the Centuries: Models for Understanding, and Finding Pieces of the Puzzle: A Fresh Look at the Christian Story. His numerous articles have appeared in the Scottish Journal of Theology, Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society, Église et Théology, Pneuma, Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Ecumenical Trends, Studia Patristica, Twenty Centuries of Christian Worship (edited by Robert Webber), The Ecumenist, Ecumenism, Aspects of the Canadian Evangelical Experience (edited by G.A. Rawlyk) and The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements (edited by Stanley M. Burgess and Eduard M. Van Der Maas). An ordained minister, Dr. Kydd was founding pastor of Kanata Pentecostal Church and most recently served as Associate Priest at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Coburg. He has been deeply involved in ecumenical dialogue and participating in conferences of the World Council of Churches in Spain, Syria and Switzerland.

Speaker: Dr. Ron Kydd
Chapel Date: Tuesday March 27, 2018
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