Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 251 - 275 of 532

Course Code Course Name
GREE 301 Readings in New Testament Greek I
Focuses on extensive readings in the Gospels and Letters to develop proficiency in reading the Greek New Testament. The study of intermediate...
GREE 202 Elementary New Testament Greek II
A continuation of detailed Greek grammar and syntax study with significant reading and analysis of Greek New Testament passages. Prerequisite...
GREE 201 Elementary New Testament Greek I
An introduction to the basic principles of New Testament Greek grammar with emphasis on morphology, declension, conjugation and syntax....
GEOG 102 Introduction to Physical Geography: Weather, Climate and Ecosystems
Introduction to atmospheric and soils sciences; physical elements of climate (including seasonal cycles, climate change and global warming);...
GEOG 101 Introduction to Physical Geography: Earth Science
Introduction to geomorphology, the scientific study of the landscape and landscape formation processes. Introduction to the physical...
FREN 391 French Travel Practicum
Language students will prepare for and respond to a five-day, four-night trip to a Francophone city. Components of the preparation phase will...
FREN 370 Professional French
Language learners will compare French and English cultural practices in family, education and business. Students will acquire written and...
FREN 350 Directed Studies in French
This independent study option is open to third- and fourth-year students who wish to explore a topic not covered in the regular curriculum...
FREN 341 Francophone Literature
Develops students’ understanding of La Francophonie by means of a variety of literary texts from the Francophone world, with special...
FREN 241 Introduction to French Literature and Media
Students are given an opportunity to learn the French language through French materials including newspapers, magazines articles, advertising...
FREN 230 Everyday French Grammar
For students who wish to improve their ability to speak and write in French, this course consists of an intensive review of French grammar...
FREN 210 Conversational French
Language students will engage in media responses, dialogues, presentations, debates and interviews as different means to communicate within...
FREN 202 Intermediate French II
Continuation of FREN 201 Prerequisite: FREN 201
FREN 201 Intermediate French I
The main objective is the further development of written/oral comprehension and expression. This is a continuation of the Introductory French...
FREN 102 Introductory French II
Continuation of FREN 101 Prerequisite: FREN 101
FREN 101 Introductory French I
Designed for students who have not previously studied French and who wish to begin the study of French intensively. Students are encouraged...
ENVS 151 Introduction to Environmental Science
Earth’s physical environments are studied to appreciate the processes that occur in soil, water and air, both natural and caused by human...
ENGL 497 and ENGL 499 Honours Thesis in English I and II
Students complete a major research project in English that demonstrates the ability to formulate a research question or thesis, use current...
ENGL 450 Advanced Directed Studies in English
This independent study option is open to fourth- year English majors who wish to explore a topic not covered in the regular curriculum and in...
ENGL 440 English Internship
An upper-level individually guided course to accompany an internship in writing or publishing. The internship may be on campus (such as a non...
ENGL 426 Shakespeare’s History Plays
Explores Shakespeare’s history plays, focusing on his use of political theory. Prerequisite: 9 credit hours in ENGL
ENGL 425 The Romantic Epic
Observes how the writers of the Romantic age engaged with John Milton both as a political figure and as an epic poet. Prerequisite: 6 credit...
ENGL 411 Psalms as Poetry, Psalms in Poetry
Surveys poetic techniques in the book of Psalms, including Hebraic parallelism, and their influence on the history of poetry. Poets include...
ENGL 403 Indigenous Writers of North America
Considers literature written by indigenous men and women residing in North America and engages with post-colonial theory in Christian...
ENGL 401 Contemporary Literary Theory
Considers many of the theoretical approaches to literature that have proliferated in the 20th century. Recommended for all students who are...
