Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 126 - 150 of 532

Course Code Course Name
MEDA 4XX The Practice of Film Theory
The Practice Film Theory is a survey of the aesthetic, cultural, and social ‘isms’ of the 20th century. Students learn about modern movements...
MEDA 4XX Senior Thesis
Students create a project based on their personal focus at the end of their degree. This calling-card media represents their skills and...
MEDA 3XX Small Media Business Ownership
Many graduates will become entrepreneurs and start their own business because of the contractual nature of media projects. Media producers...
MEDA 3XX Social Media Production
An extension of the introductory filmmaking course, Social Media Production is an exploratory overview of how social media tells stories,...
MEDA 3XX Story of the World Cinema
Film is worldwide, practiced in every nation and culture over the past one-hundred-plus years. This course looks at the major social-...
MEDA 3XX Advanced Directing and Producing
Directors are responsible for what ends up on screen, including performances and audio-visuals. Producing involves leadership and logistics...
MEDA 3XX Animation, Motion Graphics, and Visual Effects Storytelling
Animation, Motion Graphics, and VFX Storytelling takes students through a variety of different techniques and approaches to create animation...
MEDA 3XX Artificial Intelligence and Creativity in Media
Artificial Intelligence is the most important and controversial development of technology in the 21st century. As AI increasingly contributes...
MEDA 3XX The Bible, Story, and Media
The Bible, Story and Media studies stories in the Bible that express God’s relationship with Creation. Demonstrating ways these stories have...
MEDA 3XX Corporate Storytelling
Finding people who can tell stories for businesses and organizations is in high demand by employers. Corporate Storytelling introduces ways...
MEDA 3XX Documentary Filmmaking
Filmmaking that observes and presents factual information is an essential skill for every twenty- first century media practitioner. This...
MEDA 3XX Hermeneutics and the Modern Message of Jesus in Media
Hermeneutical approaches to understanding the Bible share a similar activity to assessing the meaning of a media production. By learning...
MEDA 3XX Media, Meaning, Ethics, and Faith
Media is entertaining, educational, poetic, and a dialectic tool that requires an ability to discern the messages behind content. Media,...
MEDA 3XX Media Sound
Because sound is emotive, not seen or easily rationalized, it tends to be a hidden art in media. Media Sound explores different ways sound is...
MEDA 3XX Research Skills and Statistics
An essential skill in creating media is learning to research well and assess statistical information. Research Skills and Statistics provides...
MEDA 2XX Christianity on Screen
Depicted on film since the advent of cinema, this course surveys the history, representation, and misrepresentation of faith in media from...
MEDA 2XX Film as Philosophy
Media in the 21st century is an expression of philosophy and theology. Demonstrated in Film as Philosophy, students hear from philosophers...
MEDA 2XX Marketing and Media
Like traditional approaches to marketing, media advocates for businesses. Media also exists as a business to create marketing content....
MEDA 212 Writing for Media
This media-writing course introduces students to storytelling techniques of writing fictional screenplays, reality-based scripts, and text...
MEDA 210 The Art of Editing
The Art of Editing introduces students to the creative, theoretical, and applied workflow of picture and sound editing for media. Outcomes...
MEDA 121 Language of Media
While image and sound became the language of the 20th century, audio-visual language has proliferated globally through technology and media...
MEDA 113 Introduction to Filmmaking
In this introduction to the art and craft of filmmaking, students develop audio-visual storytelling aesthetics and production workflow...
MEDA 111 Introduction to Cinematography
Same as ARTM 111
MATH 324 Statistics for Business
Examines mathematical methods and analytical techniques used to assist managers in decision making. Topics include probability, forecasting,...
MATH 322 Data Analysis
Follows from MATH 121 to address the fundamental concepts and techniques of inferential statistics and their application to quantitative...
