Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 426 - 450 of 532

Course Code Course Name
LING 380 Psychology of Language
Same as PSYC 380
EDIT 509 Science – General I
Science Intermediate builds on EDUI 5033, exposing teacher candidates to more in-depth issues related to the teaching of science in Grades 7...
CHRI 370 Ministry in a Muslim Context
Seeks to understand the globalization of Islam and its challenges to Christianity. It introduces students to a critical understanding of the...
ENGL 290 The Short Story
Select short stories and short story sequences are the focus of the course. Consideration is also given to the peculiarities of the genre...
MUSC 1B1, 2B2, 3B3, 4B4, 4B5, 4B6, 4B7, 4B8 Music Ensemble: Tyndale Band
Serves the Tyndale University community as a course meant to further develop the skills of talented musicians who will serve in Chapel...
MUSC 1S1, 2S2, 3S3, 4S4, 4S5, 4S6, 4S7, 4S8 Music Ensemble: Tyndale Singers
Serves the Tyndale University community as a course meant to further develop the skills of talented singers who will serve in Chapel services...
PSYC 411 Special Topics in Psychology
Specific topics relating to the professor’s research interests. Seminar format. Topics will vary from year to year. Prerequisite: 12 credit...
CHRI 395 Directed Research Project
Student investigates a specific area of ministry under the direction of a mentor who is actively involved in the research and the final...
FREN 241 Introduction to French Literature and Media
Students are given an opportunity to learn the French language through French materials including newspapers, magazines articles, advertising...
PSYC 497 Honours Thesis in Psychology I
Students begin a major research project in Psychology that demonstrates their ability to formulate a research question, use existing theories...
BSTH 497 and BSTH 499 Honours Thesis in Biblical Studies and Theology I and II
Students complete a major research project in Biblical Studies and Theology that demonstrates the ability to formulate a research question or...
ENGL 497 and ENGL 499 Honours Thesis in English I and II
Students complete a major research project in English that demonstrates the ability to formulate a research question or thesis, use current...
IDVP 497 and IDVP 499 Honours Thesis in International Development I and II
Students complete a major research project in international development that demonstrates their ability to formulate a research question, use...
PSYC 499 Honours Thesis in Psychology II
Students complete a major research project in Psychology that demonstrates their ability to formulate a research question, use existing...
MEDA 4XX Senior Thesis
Students create a project based on their personal focus at the end of their degree. This calling-card media represents their skills and...
BUSI 420 Capstone: Management Experience
Students have the unique opportunity to apply and showcase their business acumen by managing all aspects of the Tyndale University campus...
MUSC 371 Workshop in Worship Music Leadership
Students will be introduced to a wide variety of worship music in many styles and will learn how to effectively lead a congregation in...
MUSC 301 Music Performance, Composition and Worship Music Leadership
Students will be introduced to three connected disciplines in music – Performance, Composition and Worship Leadership. As a 5-week intensive...
PSYC 423 Educational Psychology
Students will come to understand how a child and adolescent’s transition through developmental stages affects their learning. They will...
HIST 497and HIST 499 Honours Thesis in History and Global Studies I and II
Students will complete a major research project in History and Global Studies that demonstrates the ability to formulate a thesis, use...
PHIL 497 and 499 Honours Thesis in Philosophy I and II
Students will complete a major research project in Philosophy that demonstrates the ability to formulate a thesis, use scholarly methods,...
BUSI 381 Corporate Finance
Students will learn about investments and how to analyze the capital structure of an organization. The pivotal roles of return on investment...
IDVP 401 International Development Internship
Students work at a local non-governmental organization (NGO), typically beginning the summer between their second and third years and...
ENGL 310 Seventeenth-Century Literature
Study of English literature from the reign of James I to the Restoration, emphasizing Donne, Herbert, Bunyan and Milton. Prerequisite: 6...
ENGL 382 African-American Literature
Study of literature produced by writers of African descent in the United States. Writings include the slave narrative, essay, poetry, novel,...
