Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 1 - 25 of 532

Course Code Course Name
BSTH 392 Christianity and Science
A basic exploration of the relationships between science and the Christian faith that includes both philosophic issues and concrete examples...
HEAL 493 Practicum in Psycho-Social Health and Health Determinants
A capstone requirement in the Health & Human Services with a Minor in Psychology program at Tyndale. All program candidates must complete...
CHEM 102 General Chemistry II
A continuation of CHEM 101(3), covering topics such as general chemical equilibrium theory, solution chemistry, acid-base theory, rates and...
GREE 202 Elementary New Testament Greek II
A continuation of detailed Greek grammar and syntax study with significant reading and analysis of Greek New Testament passages. Prerequisite...
BUSI 332 Professional Selling
A course in professional sales which focuses not only on the professional disciplines needed to succeed in sales, but also emphasizes the...
ENGL 171 Literature and Composition
A development of writing skills necessary for university work, including a review of the fundamentals of grammar. Students will be given...
ARTM 340 Cinema and Christianity
A film survey course designed to study the history and value of cinematic expression in the context of a theological framework. Landmark...
CDEV 302 Applications in Community Development
A follow-up to CDEV 301. This course allows students to apply theoretical perspectives learned in the previous course. This advanced level...
SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology I
A general introduction to basic concepts and themes in sociology. These include social change, institutions and organizations. Theoretical...
HEBR 202 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew II
A more detailed study of Hebrew grammar and syntax through the reading of selected portions of the Hebrew Old Testament. Prerequisite: HEBR...
ARTM 242 Introduction to Theatre II
A practical introduction to the fundamentals of acting. This course will introduce students to the foundations of acting through movement,...
MEDA 4XX Media as Culture; the Theology of Making
A representation-of and influence-on culture, media shapes how people understand theology. Media as Culture; The Theology of Making reflects...
BSTH 334 Romans
A section-by-section study of Paul’s letter to the Romans to determine what Paul wanted his audience in Rome to hear, and then to ask what...
CHRI 368 Seminar in Intercultural Studies
A seminar for ministry designed to explore the “folk” nature of religion and why understanding theological systems alone is inadequate. The...
MATH 111 Calculus I
A standard first year level Calculus course which covers a wide variety of topics, which include: the real number system, algebra of...
MATH 112 Calculus II
A standard first year level integral Calculus course which covers a wide variety of topics, which include: inverse functions, L’Hôpital’s...
ARTM 164 Visual Art: Introduction to Studio Practice
A studio class for students who have a basic knowledge of art and are ready to challenge themselves to discover their own art-making...
ENGL 263 Foundations in Writing
A study of select models of writing in prose, and occasionally verse, combined with frequent practice in composing both fiction and non-...
BSTH 320 Ancient Near East
A study of the archaeology, culture, religions and texts of the Ancient Near East, with particular interest in understanding the people of...
ENGL 371 George Herbert: Priest and Poet
A study of the life and works of one of 17th century England’s supreme poets, drawing on biographies and other secondary sources to...
BSTH 331 Mark
A study of the structure, message and uniqueness of the Gospel of Mark that is intended to help students interact with the literary genre...
BSTH 307 Israel Study Tour: Historical Geography of the Bible
A study tour of Israel that combines travel with lectures and readings to provide students with a rich, on-site learning experience. Students...
PSYC 212 Developmental Psychology II: Adulthood and Aging
A survey of current theories of physical, cognitive, personality and social development as applied to adults and the elderly is the focus.
BSTH 310 Pentateuch
A survey of the first five books of the Bible, also called the five books of Moses or the Law (Torah) in Judaism. Examination of the literary...
BUSI 410 History of Management
A survey of the historical development of management theory and practice. Special attention will be paid to the impact of these historical...
