Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 101 - 125 of 532

Course Code Course Name
HIST 343 England from the Restoration to the Industrial Revolution, 1658-1815
Continues the themes outlined in England from Reformation to Revolution, 1500-1658, and also considers England’s emergence as a world power,...
ASLN 101 Introduction to American Sign Language I
Covers basic conversationally relevant signs and grammar principles and other features of ASL (American Sign Language), including a brief...
EDUC 551 Principles of Literacy
Covers methods used in the introduction of literacy to ethno-linguistic minority groups. It includes orthography design, consideration of...
LING 476 Principles of Literacy
Covers methods used in the introduction of literacy to ethno-linguistic minority groups. It includes orthography design, consideration of...
MATH 121 Introduction to Statistics
Covers the basic techniques of descriptive data analysis and their application to qualitative and quantitative research.
BUSI 314 Data Analytics
Covers the development and use of a variety of models to support business decision-making. A significant focus of the course is the use of...
HIST 344 Modern Britain
Covers the history of the United Kingdom from the beginning of the 19th century to the election of Tony Blair as prime minister in 1997....
PHIL 363 Modern Philosophy
Critical examination of the philosophical traditions and developments of the 17th and 18th centuries. The two main traditions of this era,...
PSYC 340 Cross-Cultural Psychology
Cultures are socially constructed and transmitted to enhance human beings’ survival and well-being. Cultural differences exist not only in...
IDVP 303 Cross-Cultural Studies
Deals with cross-culture theories, cross- culture comparisons, culture values and norms, languages, communications and challenges in working...
HIST 331 The Reformation Era
Deals with the roots, development and significance of the 16th century revolutions in Christianity, Protestant, Catholic and Radical, in...
MEDA 2XX Christianity on Screen
Depicted on film since the advent of cinema, this course surveys the history, representation, and misrepresentation of faith in media from...
MUSC 140 Group Instruction Piano
Designed as a beginner group instruction piano class for music majors whose primary instrument is voice or guitar. Students will strengthen...
MUSC 421 Guitar Pedagogy
Designed as a study of methodology involved in teaching classical guitar. Students will learn the healthy and effective practices of...
MUSC 442 Advanced Keyboard Skills
Designed as an advanced group instruction piano class for piano music majors. Students will strengthen their skills and technique by studying...
CHRI 361 Global Christianity
Designed as an introduction to the “holy catholic church” in its Canadian and global contexts. Attention will be given to the doctrine of the...
FREN 101 Introductory French I
Designed for students who have not previously studied French and who wish to begin the study of French intensively. Students are encouraged...
EDIT 511 Geography I
Designed for those teacher candidates who wish to acquire a subject specialty in Geography at the Intermediate Division (Grades 7 to 10)....
MUSC 411 Vocal Pedagogy
Designed for vocal performers, choral conductors, vocal instructors, and other professionals working in the discipline of voice. Examines...
BUSI 403 Authentic Leadership
Designed to address the practical question: “How can my organization achieve extraordinary results?” Participants will delve into three key...
MUSC 311 Masterclass in Performance: Voice
Designed to be a complementary course to a student’s weekly applied voice lessons. Provides students with a constructive and supportive...
MUSC 441 Piano Pedagogy
Designed to equip students for piano teaching. Examines methodology, techniques and historical performance practices that may be used in...
EDUC 512 Educational Technology
Designed to equip teacher candidates with the understanding and skills necessary to utilize educational technology and cloud-based computing...
EDIT 502 Music – Instrumental I
Designed to facilitate deeper study for teacher candidates wishing to teach music at the Intermediate level in Ontario schools. Teacher...
BUSI 102 Mathematics for Business
Designed to foster a broad understanding and appreciation for mathematics and to improve mathematical dexterity in establishing a foundation...
