Wrestling with Troubling Texts [NEWT/OLDT 0541 1A]

 Course Dates: Monday May 5, 2025 to Friday July 25, 2025
 Instructor: Dr. Bill Webb
 Course Type: Asynchronous Online

Course Description

This course will examine troublesome biblical texts by exploring hermeneutical methods that emphasize reading biblical texts redemptively within their ancient-world setting and canonical development. Students will shape the selection of texts and topics, such as: ownership and harsh treatment of slaves, corporal punishment, cutting off of a wife's hand, forced marriage/rape of war captives, genocide in holy war, collective punishment of an entire family for the crime of one person, gender inequality, prohibition of homosexuality and premarital sex, a supposedly loving God casting people into never-ending torment, etc. 

Prerequisite: BIBL 0501.

This is an asynchronous online course.

Course Status

This is an Asynchronous Online course
 This course is not yet open for registration
 This course is available as an Audit course
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