Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 251 - 275 of 532

Course Code Course Name
GREE 301 Readings in New Testament Greek I
Focuses on extensive readings in the Gospels and Letters to develop proficiency in reading the Greek New Testament. The study of intermediate...
ENGL 380 Post-Colonial Literature
Focuses on literature of countries that were once British colonies and have since become independent nations. Among the literatures discussed...
BSTH 387 Contemporary Religious Movements
Focuses on new religious movements (traditionally referred to as “cults”) that are connected to existing religious traditions yet are no...
IDVP 431 Operations and Humanitarian Assistance
Focuses on operations and logistics, specifically in humanitarian assistance. Provides an overview of what is humanitarian assistance, who...
ENGL 384 American Literature II
Focuses on post-Civil War and 20th century American literature, in the major genres of poetry, drama and fiction. Representative authors...
EDUI 505 Social Studies J and History/ Geography I
Focuses on the design and implementation of Junior Social Studies, Intermediate History, and Geography programs based on the overall and...
BSTH 372 Doctrine of Creation
Focuses on the doctrine of creation and the related doctrine of providence. Attention will also be given to the doctrine of the human...
PHIL 366 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Focuses on the major philosophical developments between the ancient Greeks and the medieval period. Special emphasis will be given to...
ENGL 331 Romantic Poetry
Focuses on the poetry of the Romantic period (c.1789-1832), including some of the works of the major Romantic poets, such as Blake,...
ENGL 333 Victorian Poetry
Focuses on the poetry of the Victorian period (1837-1901), including works by poets such as Tennyson, Arnold, Hardy and Browning....
PSYC 345 Consumer Psychology
Focuses on the psychological study of consumer behaviour. It examines the roles that awareness, beliefs, learning, feelings, intentions and...
PSYC 431 Psychology of Mass Media
Focuses on the topics of Cognitive Psychology and the Mass Media. It will be a textbook-based course with 7 assignments and a final exam....
ENGL 308 Science Fiction and Subcreation
Focuses on Tolkien and Lewis’ response to the problem of alienation in contemporary culture, more specifically the genre of science fiction....
BSTH 365 Reformation Theology
Focuses primarily on the theology of the main Protestant Reformers, including Luther, Zwingli and Calvin. Attention may also be given to the...
MATH 322 Data Analysis
Follows from MATH 121 to address the fundamental concepts and techniques of inferential statistics and their application to quantitative...
EDPR 531 Practicum I (Literacy and Numeracy)
For 30 to 35 days, teacher candidates will be learning from and collaborating with an OCT certified associate teacher in a school setting...
EDPR 533 Practicum III
For 35 to 40 days, teacher candidates will be learning from and collaborating with an OCT certified associate teacher in as school setting...
EDPR 532 Practicum II
For 40 to 45 days, teacher candidates will be learning from and collaborating with an OCT certified associate teacher in a school setting...
FREN 230 Everyday French Grammar
For students who wish to improve their ability to speak and write in French, this course consists of an intensive review of French grammar...
ENGL 302 Arthurian Literature
From medieval to modern times, the legends of King Arthur have captured the imaginations of many cultures. Explores diverse articulations of...
PSYC 301 Personality Psychology
General survey of the major theories that attempt to explain the underlying structure and dynamics of variations in individual behaviour in...
CHRI 366 Anthropology for Humanitarian Work
Helps students understand the receiver perspective in an international development and humanitarian context. Key questions are asked...
EDUC 510 Religious Education: Democratic Values, Catholic Perspectives and Education
Helps teacher candidates prepare to teach in Ontario Catholic schools. It is recommended for teacher candidates with a demonstrated...
HIST 342 Henry VIII and Oliver Cromwell, 1500-1660
Henry VIII, and his numerous wives and children, with special attention to Elizabeth I. Considers the impact of the Protestant Reformation,...
MEDA 3XX Hermeneutics and the Modern Message of Jesus in Media
Hermeneutical approaches to understanding the Bible share a similar activity to assessing the meaning of a media production. By learning...
