Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 151 - 175 of 532

Course Code Course Name
ARTM 260 Intermediate Drawing
Drawing is a wonderful way to touch the world with our eyes. This course focuses on tonal rendering, colour rendering in a range of drawing...
ARTM 160 Introduction to Drawing
Drawing is a wonderful way to touch the world with our eyes. This is a basic introduction to a range of creative drawing materials and...
ENGL 387 Literature Across the Americas
Draws on a selection of twentieth and twenty- first century literature in English from both North and South America. Representative authors...
ENVS 151 Introduction to Environmental Science
Earth’s physical environments are studied to appreciate the processes that occur in soil, water and air, both natural and caused by human...
BUSI 361 Intermediate Financial Accounting
Elaborates on the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and presents the concepts, objectives and techniques underlying asset...
ENGL 378 Milton
Emphasizes Milton’s major poetry, including Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, and provides an introduction to such...
GREE 302 Readings in New Testament Greek II
Emphasizes the study of the Greek text of selected New Testament books. The discipline of textual criticism is introduced and the development...
BSTH 373 Doctrine of the Human Person
Endeavors to acquaint students with the theology of the human person. Focuses on biblical and doctrinal issues that bear upon such questions...
MEDA 4XX Ethnography and Media
Ethnography is the anthropological study of human development and practices. Media has become an important means used to record and...
PHIL 201 Critical Reasoning
Examination of the basic principles of constructing good arguments and criticizing bad ones. Among the topics covered are deductive and...
PHIL 215 Business Ethics
Examination of the central moral issues raised by business activities and practice. It begins with an exploration of various utilitarian and...
PHIL 421 The Analytic Tradition
Examination of the key figures in the development of analytic philosophy: Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and A. J....
BSTH 364 Aquinas
Examination of the life, writings, and thought of Thomas Aquinas. Particular attention will be given to his Summa Theologiae, among other...
BSTH 347 Paul: Apostle and Theologian
Examination of the person, life and theology of the apostle Paul. Will emphasize Paul’s missionary journeys and order of his letters, his...
ARTM 202 History of Art II
Examination of the ways in which visual images, sculptural objects and architectural structures have been produced throughout history....
ARTM 201 History of Art I
Examination of the ways in which visual images, sculptural objects and architectural structures have been used in the formation and...
IDVP 442 The Politics of Foreign Aid
Examines a wide variety of issues central to the politics of foreign aid. Examines the various actors, dynamics, theories, and challenges...
BIOL 231 Genetics
Examines fundamental concepts of genetics. Topics include mechanisms and patterns of inheritance, structure and function of DNA, mutations,...
HIST 263 Prosperity and Poverty: An Economic History of the World since 1700
Examines global economic history with a focus on why some nations were rich and others poor. Considerable attention is paid to evidence-based...
BUSI 341 Entrepreneurship and New Ventures
Examines how one can harness creativity, personal drive and faith to develop a successful new venture. It focuses on the organizational,...
IDVP 300 Theories of International Development
Examines how prominent theories of development, namely modernization, dependency, neo-liberalism, Marxism and critical theories have shaped...
HIST 387 Film and Western Culture
Examines how various movies portray Western culture from the Roman period to the present. Three major components are cinemas as a popular art...
HEAL 302 Mental Health & Social Policy
Examines issues, concerns, and policies surrounding mental health and their impact on individuals, families, communities, and institutions....
IDVP 332 Livelihoods, Food Security and Development
Examines key concepts surrounding food security, food sovereignty, livelihoods, and the interrelation between the production and consumption...
MATH 324 Statistics for Business
Examines mathematical methods and analytical techniques used to assist managers in decision making. Topics include probability, forecasting,...
