Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

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Displaying 176 - 200 of 370

Course code Course Name/Description
SPIR 0615 Henri Nouwen’s Life of the Beloved: Exploring Spiritual and Identity Formation
Examines Henri Nouwen’s understanding of spiritual formation and spiritual identity as the Life of the Beloved. Students will explore the...
SPIR 0551 Intergenerational Faith Formation
Examines historical, sociological, developmental, and theological underpinnings of spiritual formation in the context of children, youth, and...
NEWT CM26 Second Corinthians
Examines Second Corinthians to discover its teaching on the nature of true Christian ministry. Issues such as discipline and forgiveness,...
INTD CM11 Marketplace Theology and Ministry
Examines the influence of the marketplace, work in society and our daily life from multiple perspectives. The theological foundation and...
BIBL IS01 Biblical Interpretation
Examines the methods, principles and practices of interpreting the biblical texts. In addition to deepening one’s understanding and use of...
PAST CM03 Pastor as Shepherd Leader in the Chinese Church
Examines the nature and theology of pastoral ministry with emphasis on the role of the pastor as the shepherd leader. Accordingly, the...
PAST TH51 Spiritual Care of the Dying and Grieving
Examines the psychological and theological aspects of dying in order to better understand and provide significant pastoral care to those who...
PENT 0502 Pastoral Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective
Examines the theological and practical aspects of pastoral ministry. In addition to an examination of the matters that pertain to pastoral...
YMIN 0693 Evangelism and Discipleship
Examines the theological principles and practical ministry strategies involved in evangelism and discipleship. Several models of evangelism...
THEO 0640 Theology of Karl Barth
Examines the work of the most significant theologian since the Reformation. Attention is directed to expositions of major doctrines; e.g....
NEWT 0541 Wrestling with Troubling Text
Examines troublesome biblical texts by exploring hermeneutical methods that emphasize reading biblical texts redemptively within their...
PAST TH53 Disenfranchised Grief
Explores and considers the nature of disenfranchised grief, particularly in situations of profound loss where grief is difficult to express...
CHED CM05 Human Development and Christian Nurture
Explores and evaluates developmental psychology and analysis of its contributions to the practices of Christian nurture. Students will study...
BIBL 0751 Text and Interpretation
Explores biblical interpretation beyond the foundational skills of historical, literary, and grammatical approaches. In addition to...
DMCC 0903 Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Explores DBT’s theoretical basis, specific DBT interventions, and how to teach skills in individual, group, and milieu settings. Familiarity...
BIBL IS04 Studies in a Holistic Gospel
Explores how the body and soul dualism, out of which much Christian mission operated in the past (i.e. saving souls only), has proved...
DMML 0941 Exegeting Your Ministry Context
Explores research methods used to acquire a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of the local congregation or organization and its...
PAST 0644 Building the Church through Small Groups
Explores the basic principles for building and understanding the dynamics and problems of small groups. Specific attention will focus on...
PAST CM07 Worship and Music in the Chinese Church
Explores the Christian foundation of worship and music in the Chinese Churches. This course is designed for those who are called to serve in...
HIST 0603 Imitating Christ: Suffering and Death in Christianity
Explores the diverse ways Christians have responded throughout history to Christ’s call to take up their cross and follow him, focusing on...
DMML 0907 Leadership Development
Explores the leader’s role of intentionally investing in developing others. Examines research, theories, models, practices, and theological...
SALV 0501 Agents of Change in the Salvation Army
Explores the lives of a number of Salvationists from the nineteenth century to the present, focusing on their shared concern for social...
PAST TH59 Complicated Grief: Theory and Therapy
Explores the nature of complicated grief, comparing it with the nature of normal grief and mourning. Topics like why people fail to grieve,...
NEWT 0635 Johannine Epistles
Explores the questions of authorship and situation of the Johannine epistles, ancient letter writing as it relates to 1, 2 & 3 John; the...
OLDT CM19 The Twelve Minor Prophets
Explores the section of the Latter Prophets known as “The Book of the Twelve.” It considers the relationship of Hosea-Malachi and the problem...
