Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 370

Course code Course Name/Description
NEWT 0632 The General Epistles
A close reading of James, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude, with special attention given to literary, sociohistorical and theological understandings...
NEWT CM19 Greek Exegesis II
A continuation of the principles used in Greek Exegesis I applied to the Epistle to the Ephesians. An introductory study of textual criticism...
COUN 0677 Family Systems Theory
A critical appraisal of basic theoretical concepts in Family Systems Theory. Topics: historical and conceptual development of Family Systems...
DMCC 0941 Integration Overview and Person of the Therapist
A critical exploration of the self of therapist as one of the most crucial components in the therapeutic relationship and endeavours....
NEWT 0724 Hebrews
A cultural and literary study of the Epistle to the Hebrews, concentrating upon such themes as the new covenant, Christology, and eschatology...
BIBL 0718 Biblical Studies Seminar
A focused examination of a specific issue, theme, or topic in Biblical Studies. Seminar format. Topic and instructor vary annually....
BIBL 0501 Biblical Interpretation
A foundational course on biblical interpretation which will provide students with the basic exegetical tools required to interpret and...
OLDT IS02 Hebrew Scripture Foundations
A general introduction to the historical, sociological, and theological context in which the Hebrew Scriptures came into existence, this...
NEWT IS03 New Testament Foundations
A general introduction to the historical, sociological, and theological context in which the New Testament Scriptures came into existence,...
OLDT 0616 1 & 2 Samuel
A literary and theological study of the books of 1 & 2 Samuel accomplished through a close reading of the text with examination of key...
OLDT 0513 Wisdom Literature
A literary and theological study of the wisdom literature in the Old Testament (Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes) with special focus on the place...
OLDT 0613 Daniel and Apocalyptic Literature
A literary, interpretive and theological study of the book of Daniel with special focus on the apocalyptic genre, the sociohistorical milieu...
DMSF 0943 Ministry-Based Field Research
A research project on a ministry of spiritual formation leading to experimental findings, the development of applied ministry competences,...
SPIR 0544 Spiritual Classics
A seminar engaging great spiritual writings from the church Fathers to the present. Recommended prerequisites: SPIR 0700, HIST 0561.
THEO 0631 Topics in Christian Doctrine
A seminar in systematic theology in which one major Christian doctrine, such as the doctrine of the Trinity, Christ, salvation, etc., is...
NEWT 0726 Gospel of John: Light in the Darkness
A study focusing on the Gospel of John on the basis of the English text. After reviewing the background to the Gospel, emphasis is placed on...
NEWT 0628 The Pastoral Epistles
A study focusing on the letters of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus based on the English text. Critical issues with regard to background, context...
BIBL CM01 Biblical Interpretation
A study of central methods and interpretative principles involved in discerning the meaning of the biblical text. Topics covered include...
OLDT 0512 Old Testament Prophets
A study of introductory issues related to the prophetic books of the Old Testament. Traces the theological themes and progression of thought...
NEWT CM05 New Testament Theology and History
A study of the background contents of the New Testament with a view to placing the books in their historical setting. An introduction to...
SPIR 0529 Spiritual Warfare
A study of the biblical data related to the demonic. Practical application to Christian living regarding victory over the enemy in individual...
NEWT 0525 Acts of the Apostles: The Church, the Spirit and the Mission of God
A study of the Book of Acts with a focus on its theology, literary artistry and depiction of Christian origins. Prerequisite: BIBL 0501. Same...
OLDT 0615 Genesis
A study of the Book of Genesis with special emphasis on the narrative of Hebrew literature, the unfolding of the divine promise of redemption...
OLDT 0623 The Book of Job
A study of the book of Job with a special focus on its literary features, theological message and contemporary relevance. Different reading...
NEWT CM34 The Book of Revelation
A study of the Book of Revelation with a focus on its literary genre, theological themes and the various schools of interpretation. A...
