Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 151 - 175 of 370

Course code Course Name/Description
DMRC 0902 Communal Discernment for Ministry Development: The Community and the Table
Equip students with the tools and disciplines necessary to apply appropriate discernment amidst conflict and change in their community. By...
THEO 0535 Christian Ethics in a Post-Christian World
Equips students to navigate the complexities of following Jesus with faithfulness, integrity, and wisdom in our contemporary post-Christian...
THEO 0531 Systematic Theology: Faith Seeking Understanding
Equips students to use the tools of systematic theology to understand, proclaim, and live the Christian faith today. We will address such...
CHED 0662 Tools for Reading Social Contexts: Ethnography for Ministry
Ethnographic research aims to equip students to “read” people in their contexts reliably and accurately. If contextualized ministry is being...
THEO 0606 Life in the Mess: A Theology of Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Evaluates contemporary models of forgiveness and reconciliation from biblical, theological and pastoral perspectives. A Gospel-centered model...
BIBL 0670-0675 Special Topics in Biblical Studies
Examination of specific topics in biblical studies.
CHED 0670-0675 Special Topics in Christian Education and Discipleship
Examination of specific topics in Christian education and discipleship.
HIST 0670-0675 Special Topics in Christian History
Examination of specific topics in Christian history.
COUN 0670 Special Topics in Counselling
Examination of specific topics in counselling.
INTD 0670-0675 Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
Examination of specific topics in interdisciplinary studies.
LEAD 0670-0675 Special Topics in Leadership
Examination of specific topics in leadership.
DMML 0930 Special Topics in Leadership
Examination of specific topics in ministry leadership.
MISS 0670-0675 Special Topics in Missions
Examination of specific topics in missions.
PAST 0670-0675 Special Topics in Pastoral Ministry
Examination of specific topics in pastoral ministry.
PENT 0670-0675 Special Topics in Pentecostal Studies
Examination of specific topics in Pentecostal studies.
SPIR 0670-0675 Special Topics in Spiritual Formation
Examination of specific topics in spiritual formation.
NEWT 0670-0675 Special Topics in New Testament
Examination of specific topics in the New Testament.
OLDT 0670-0675 Special Topics in Old Testament
Examination of specific topics in the Old Testament.
THEO 0670-0675 Special Topics in Theology
Examination of specific topics in theology.
YMIN 0670-0675 Special Topics in Youth and Family Ministry
Examination of specific topics in youth and family ministry.
NEWT 0730 2 Corinthians
Examines 2 Corinthians to discover its profound teaching on the nature of true Christian ministry. Issues such as discipline and forgiveness...
COUN 0691 Therapy Interventions for Trauma, Abuse and Violence
Examines both individual and systemic interventions for victims of trauma, abuse and violence. Research has shown that when trauma survivors...
THEO 0636 Theology of John Calvin
Examines closely Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. Topics such as the knowledge of God, Trinity, Scriptures, providence, the...
PAST 0563 Disability, Theology, and the Church: Everybody Belongs
Examines disability issues from diverse perspectives, understanding what it means to be in and lead communities where everybody belongs. It...
COUN 0651 Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples
Examines emotionally focused therapy (EFT) for couples. EFT is an evidence-based, short term, experiential, and systematic model. The course...
