Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 176 - 200 of 532

Course Code Course Name
INDS 101 University Studies in Christian Perspective
An introduction to university education, and to the place and purpose of academic work in the life of the thoughtful Christian student. In...
IDVP 497 and IDVP 499 Honours Thesis in International Development I and II
Students complete a major research project in international development that demonstrates their ability to formulate a research question, use...
IDVP 442 The Politics of Foreign Aid
Examines a wide variety of issues central to the politics of foreign aid. Examines the various actors, dynamics, theories, and challenges...
IDVP 431 Operations and Humanitarian Assistance
Focuses on operations and logistics, specifically in humanitarian assistance. Provides an overview of what is humanitarian assistance, who...
IDVP 401 International Development Internship
Students work at a local non-governmental organization (NGO), typically beginning the summer between their second and third years and...
IDVP 392 Project Management II
Builds on the concepts and tools introduced in PM I and focuses specifically on project design and proposal writing. Introduces the variety...
IDVP 391 Project Management I
Project management is more than proposal writing. At the core of project management is developing and implementing a theory of change or...
IDVP 332 Livelihoods, Food Security and Development
Examines key concepts surrounding food security, food sovereignty, livelihoods, and the interrelation between the production and consumption...
IDVP 311 Microfinance in Theory and Practice
Microfinance provides financial services to the poor and has often been touted as a model example of a social entrepreneurship innovation...
IDVP 304 Anthropology for Humanitarian Work
Same as CHRI 366 and SOCI 306
IDVP 303 Cross-Cultural Studies
Deals with cross-culture theories, cross- culture comparisons, culture values and norms, languages, communications and challenges in working...
IDVP 300 Theories of International Development
Examines how prominent theories of development, namely modernization, dependency, neo-liberalism, Marxism and critical theories have shaped...
IDVP 201 Justice, Poverty and Theology
Provides a biblical, theological and missiological foundation for ministries of development and disaster relief. Looks at the whole narrative...
IDVP 101 Introduction to International Development
International development in its many forms presents one of the most interesting challenges for today’s world. Broad introduction to...
HIST 497and HIST 499 Honours Thesis in History and Global Studies I and II
Students will complete a major research project in History and Global Studies that demonstrates the ability to formulate a thesis, use...
HIST 481 The Great Depression: America from the Great Crash to Pearl Harbor
The Great Depression caused chaos and struggle for millions of Americans; it was the worst economic downturn in American history (and in the...
HIST 450 Advanced Directed Studies in History
This independent study option is open to fourth- year History majors who wish to explore a topic not covered in the regular curriculum and in...
HIST 441 Colossus: Britain in the Age of Queen Victoria
Probes in detail the history of 19th century Britain, an era dominated by the idea of progress. Empire, literature, warfare, democracy,...
HIST 387 Film and Western Culture
Examines how various movies portray Western culture from the Roman period to the present. Three major components are cinemas as a popular art...
HIST 384 North American Economic History: 1919 to the Present
Explores modern North American economic history including the impact of economic theory, war, urbanization, technology, regionalism,...
HIST 382 Global Evangelicalism since 1900
Examines the history of those Christians around the world who espoused traditional, historic Protestant Christianity in the context of...
HIST 376 Israel and the Muslim World
Surveys the history of the modern Arab-Israeli conflict. Topics covered include Ottoman and post-World War I Palestine, the establishment of...
HIST 375 The United States and the Middle East since 1945
The Middle East witnessed more momentous events in the post-World War II period than any other region of the world. Study of U.S. foreign...
HIST 373 Imperial India: The Rise and Fall of the British Raj
Beginning with the creation of the East India Company in 1600 during the reign of Elizabeth I, surveys the history of the British in India...
HIST 372 The Global History of Population and the Family, from 1500 to the Present
Examines the origins and impact of the world population explosion that began around 1750. Topics include nutrition, medicine, disease, public...
