Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 226 - 250 of 370

Course code Course Name/Description
LEAD 0643 Women and Men in Ministry: Partners in Christian Leadership
Same as PAST 0643.
LEAD 0611 Work, Vocation and Ministry
Provides a biblical and theological reading of the marketplace as a context for kingdom impact and effective ministry. It will revisit the...
LEAD 0570 Directed Reading and Research
Directed Reading and Research (DRR) courses allow students to study in a specific area of interest not addressed by the scheduled course...
LEAD 0548 Leading through Conflict and Change
Lays a biblical and theological foundation for how we should view and lead through conflict that may arise. This will include a biblical...
LEAD 0510 Leadership Development
Seeks to develop biblical-theological, historical and cultural understandings of leadership in the church, ministry organizations and the...
INTN CM01 Internship
Correlated with lessons learned in the classroom, students will complete a mentored learning experience (2 semesters in duration, 3 credit...
INTD IS22 Colonization and Decolonization
Focuses on contemporary theories regarding colonization and decolonization emerging out of Indigenous studies, critical ethnic studies, and...
INTD IS17 Indigenous Research and Writing
Covers all aspects of research and writing at an academic level. The student develops their voice as an academic writer by learning how to...
INTD IS16 Integrative Project
Normally, within Indigenous contexts of learning, integration of new experiences takes place more simultaneously. Compartmentalized...
INTD IS15 Indigenous Symposium Seminar
In order to foster deeper relationships, more effective academic engagement, and an overall greater involvement within the NAIITS community,...
INTD IS14 Cultural Anthropology
Trajectories in the study of anthropology have been helpful and hurtful, particularly to Indigenous people globally. In this course,...
INTD CM11 Marketplace Theology and Ministry
Examines the influence of the marketplace, work in society and our daily life from multiple perspectives. The theological foundation and...
INTD 0861 Advanced Research Methods
Investigates research methodologies appropriate for advanced study, culminating in the preparation of a thesis proposal, including a...
INTD 0857 Interdisciplinary Seminar: Spiritual Theology
Offers a cross-disciplinary, advanced examination of the spiritual theology of one major theologian or movement. Topics will vary from year...
INTD 0854 Interdisciplinary Seminar: Selected Topics
Offers a cross-disciplinary, advanced examination of one central doctrine in the Bible, theology and history. Topics will vary from year to...
INTD 0851 Text and Interpretation
This course explores biblical interpretation beyond the foundational skills of historical, literary, and grammatical approaches. In addition...
INTD 0701 Internship
See Seminary Academic Programs for general information on the Tyndale Seminary Internship Program (TSIP). Permission required.
INTD 0670-0675 Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
Examination of specific topics in interdisciplinary studies.
INTD 0570 Directed Reading and Research
Directed Reading and Research (DRR) courses allow students to study in a specific area of interest not addressed by the scheduled course...
HIST IS05 History of Christianity II: Indigenous History and Mission
Continuing on from History of Christianity I, this course will examine ways in which the Indigenous church has been planted and has grown...
HIST IS04 History of Christianity I
The history of Christianity up until close to the present time will be examined. This course will look at traditional historical accounts...
HIST CM24 History of Christianity II
A survey of the history of Christianity from the time of the Reformation through the 20th century. It explores the main currents in...
HIST CM12 History of Christianity I
A survey of the history of Christianity from the earliest days of the church through the first phase of the Reformation. It examines the main...
HIST 0763 Studying History Where it Happened: Study Tour
Tyndale sponsors course tours to various places at which events of historical interest and significance occurred. Examples include Germany,...
HIST 0670-0675 Special Topics in Christian History
Examination of specific topics in Christian history.
