Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 351 - 370 of 370

Course code Course Name/Description
OLDT CM36 1 & 2 Samuel
This course consists of two sections. The first section is an introduction of the study of 1 and 2 Samuel (1 and 2 Samuel hereafter Samuel)...
OLDT CM14 The Book of Joshua
This course consists of two sections. The first section is an introduction of the study of the book of Joshua from three perspectives: author...
OLDT CM09 Exodus
This course consists of two sections. The first section is an introduction to the study of the book of Exodus from three perspectives: author...
INTD 0851 Text and Interpretation
This course explores biblical interpretation beyond the foundational skills of historical, literary, and grammatical approaches. In addition...
DMCC 0906 Experiential Therapies
This course involves an in-depth exploration of experiential therapies and the current state of research in the field. Current findings from...
DMCC 0905 Advanced Couples Counselling
This course is designed to provide an in-depth overview of marital/couple therapy from a perspective of Restoration Therapy and...
DMCC 0902 Case Conceptualization and Design
This course is structured to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the skills and knowledge necessary to create clinically...
DMPT 0902 Pastoral Care Through Grief, Transition and Loss
This course provides a theological vision and practical tools of Christian pastoral care in times of grief, transition and loss. Topics...
LEAD IS10 Indigenous Leadership Development
This seminar course will introduce students to concepts of leadership, organizational change theory, and skills required to lead...
DMRC 0901 Hospitality in Participating in God’s Work: The Congregation and the Table
Thoroughly investigates the goal and purpose of the church and why that matters for the church and for the world. Students will robustly...
OLDT 0711 Hebrew Exegesis I
Through the in-depth study of selected passages of Biblical Hebrew Narrative, students will learn various foundational methods essential for...
INTD IS14 Cultural Anthropology
Trajectories in the study of anthropology have been helpful and hurtful, particularly to Indigenous people globally. In this course,...
HIST 0763 Studying History Where it Happened: Study Tour
Tyndale sponsors course tours to various places at which events of historical interest and significance occurred. Examples include Germany,...
COUN CM25 Building a Healthy Chinese Christian Family
Uses a family-life cycle framework to help Chinese Christians build a healthy family, including marriage preparation, adjustment as a couple...
DMML 0904 Leadership and Systems Theory
Uses systems theories including family systems, complex adaptive systems and the Biblical metaphor of church as body to provide lenses...
DMPC 0904 Embodying the Gospel: Enhancing Communication Skills
Using a seminar and workshop format, this course explores the relationship between speech communication, content, form, and style in...
OLDT 0610 Women in the Old Testament
What did it mean to be a woman during Old Testament times? In order to gain theological insight into the Bible’s portrayal of women, we...
OLDT 0619 The Book of Ezekiel: God’s Glory in Exile
What is God’s message to his people in Exile? How does he reveal himself to a people whose lives have been changed forever because of their...
DMML 0901 Formation of the Leader
Works from the assumption that the leader’s character and inner development are critical to effective leadership of organizations and others...
YMIN 0690 Social Justice and Youth at Risk
Youth in urban centres are exposed to unique challenges. Offers an examination of critical contemporary issues affecting adolescents: family...
