Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 33

Course code Course Name/Description
THEO IS22 Creation and Transformation
The center of Christian theology is Jesus Christ who unites Creator and creation. Therefore, this course will focus on the scriptural and...
THEO IS21 Indigenous Theologies and Methods
Delves into unique Indigenous theological contributions to the meaning of Christian faith and life. Utilizing a thematic approach, the...
THEO IS12 World Religions
Jesus followers must be willing to interact and engage with an inquiring mind, in a knowledgeable way and in a Christ-like manner with...
THEO IS11 Ethics in Intercultural Context
An intercultural, contextual introduction to central issues in Christian ethics, with attention to the way in which moral reflection...
THEO IS07 Theology II: Theology and Ethic of the Land
Helps students to develop an integrated understanding of God, humanity and culture focusing on current debates and their bearing on Christian...
THEO IS06 Theology I: Indigenous Perspectives
A theological reflection focused on the concept of community. It will examine the Christian doctrines of creation, fall, and redemption,...
THEO CM28 Chinese Church History and Theology
Survey of the development of the Christian church in China, from the Nestorians to the present, with emphasis on the 19th and 20th century...
THEO CM25 Systematic Theology II
Continuation of Systematic Theology I. Topics covered include the person and work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of salvation,...
THEO CM13 Systematic Theology I
A systematic study of Christian doctrines according to the evangelical tradition. Topics covered include prolegomena, revelation and Holy...
THEO CM08 Christian Ethics
An introduction to Christian ethics, including the biblical bases, the historical development, and the application of Christian ethics to...
THEO CM06 Christianity and Chinese Culture
Surveys the history, development and characteristics of the Chinese culture in comparison to the Christian faith (theology, anthropology and...
THEO 0799 Theology Thesis
See the Thesis Handbook for details.
THEO 0785 Christianity and Islam: Global Perspectives
Same as MISS 0785.
THEO 0670-0675 Special Topics in Theology
Examination of specific topics in theology.
THEO 0668 Globalization and the Church: Missional Theology in a Postmodern Culture
Same as MISS 0586.
THEO 0659 Holiness: The Life of God in the People of God
An exploration of the Christian calling to be holy as God is holy. Examines holiness through engagement with some of the most important...
THEO 0653 Creation, New Creation, and Creation Stewardship
Studies the theology of salvation, particularly as it relates to the place of the created order in God’s redemptive plan and the meaning of “...
THEO 0646 Theology of the Human Person
Acquaints students with the theology of the human person. It focuses on biblical and doctrinal issues that bear upon such questions as, “What...
THEO 0640 Theology of Karl Barth
Examines the work of the most significant theologian since the Reformation. Attention is directed to expositions of major doctrines; e.g....
THEO 0636 Theology of John Calvin
Examines closely Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. Topics such as the knowledge of God, Trinity, Scriptures, providence, the...
THEO 0631 Topics in Christian Doctrine
A seminar in systematic theology in which one major Christian doctrine, such as the doctrine of the Trinity, Christ, salvation, etc., is...
THEO 0629 John Wesley’s Theology: Renewing the Heart, Renewing the Church
An examination of the life and thought of John Wesley, and of early Methodism as a movement of evangelism, renewal and mission within the...
THEO 0623 Theology of Church Renewal: Movements of the Spirit
Focuses on the recurring phenomenon of renewal in the Church as a key aspect of a biblical and contemporary ecclesiology. Church renewal will...
THEO 0606 Life in the Mess: A Theology of Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Evaluates contemporary models of forgiveness and reconciliation from biblical, theological and pastoral perspectives. A Gospel-centered model...
THEO 0603 Compassion, Social Justice and the Mission of God
Same as MISS 0603.
