Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 476 - 500 of 532

Course Code Course Name
HIST 376 Israel and the Muslim World
Surveys the history of the modern Arab-Israeli conflict. Topics covered include Ottoman and post-World War I Palestine, the establishment of...
PSYC 404 Psychotherapeutic Interventions
Surveys the major approaches to psychotherapeutic interventions, including: Psychoanalytic Therapy, Adlerian Therapy, Existential Therapy,...
PSYC 341 Social Psychology
Surveys the major contemporary areas of research in social behaviour. Topics covered include social perception and influence, attitude...
PSYC 321 Abnormal Psychology
Surveys the major theories that attempt to explain the nature and causes of psychological disorders. Consideration is given to the...
HIST 292 The Second World War
Surveys the nature and extent of the war that enveloped the world from 1939-1945. Its roots in the 1920s and 1930s will be examined, as well...
BUSI 301 Human Resource Management
Surveys what human resource professionals and managers in general need to know about personnel and human resource management in business and...
PHIL 302 Belief, Truth and Knowledge
Systematic study of contemporary issues related to the nature of knowledge, belief and truth. These include warrant and justification,...
PHIL 301 Metaphysics
Systematic study of contemporary issues related to the nature of reality. These include universals and particulars, the necessary and the...
BUSI 371 Managing Information Systems
Takes a strategic perspective to develop the student’s critical thinking as to how emerging technologies can be best utilized and managed in...
EDUC 503 The Developing Learner
Teacher candidates will come to understand how a child and adolescent’s transition through developmental stages affects their learning. They...
MUSC 401 Advanced Workshop in Musicianship
Teaches advanced forms of music theory. Students will study the tenets of form and analysis. Prerequisite: MUSC 303
MUSC 303 Workshop in Musicianship II
Teaches advanced forms of music theory. Students will study the tenets of harmony and counterpoint, analyzing chordal structure and devices...
MUSC 101 Workshop in Musicianship I
Teaches the building blocks of standard musical notation for the reading and writing of music. Students will study scale modes, chords,...
MEDA 210 The Art of Editing
The Art of Editing introduces students to the creative, theoretical, and applied workflow of picture and sound editing for media. Outcomes...
MEDA 3XX The Bible, Story, and Media
The Bible, Story and Media studies stories in the Bible that express God’s relationship with Creation. Demonstrating ways these stories have...
PSYC 211 Developmental Psychology I
The characteristics and needs of children at each stage of their development are surveyed. Particular attention is paid to the influences...
HIST 481 The Great Depression: America from the Great Crash to Pearl Harbor
The Great Depression caused chaos and struggle for millions of Americans; it was the worst economic downturn in American history (and in the...
BUSI 385 Internship
The Internship course (paid/unpaid; pass/ fail) offers students a dynamic blend of real- world experience and academic rigor, allowing them...
FREN 201 Intermediate French I
The main objective is the further development of written/oral comprehension and expression. This is a continuation of the Introductory French...
HIST 375 The United States and the Middle East since 1945
The Middle East witnessed more momentous events in the post-World War II period than any other region of the world. Study of U.S. foreign...
MEDA 4XX The Practice of Film Theory
The Practice Film Theory is a survey of the aesthetic, cultural, and social ‘isms’ of the 20th century. Students learn about modern movements...
HEAL 441 Advanced Studies in Women’s Health
The promotion and maintenance of women’s health needs are emphasized in this course based on a social determinants of health perspective...
MUSC 1C1, 2C2, 3C3, 4C4, 4C5, 4C6, 4C7, 4C8 Music Ensemble: Tyndale Community Choir
The Tyndale Community Choir (TCC) serves as Tyndale’s primary vocal ensemble. TCC is both a campus-wide and community-based ensemble...
BSTH 450 Advanced Directed Study in Biblical Studies and Theology
This independent study option is open to fourth year Biblical Studies and Theology majors who wish to explore a topic not covered in the...
BUSI 450 Advanced Directed Studies in Business Administration
This independent study option is open to fourth- year Business Administration majors who wish to explore a topic not covered in the regular...
