Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 201 - 225 of 370

Course code Course Name/Description
SPIR 0553 Spirituality for Generations Z & Alpha
Explores the spirituality and discipleship models which coincide with the unique connectivity of Generation Z (born 1997 to 2010) and...
PENT 0506 Growing Healthy Churches
Explores the theology and methodology of growing healthy churches for the 21st century. It examines various church growth principles...
DMNO 0903 Exploring the Healthy Foundations Necessary for Non-Profit Organizational Leadership
Explores the theoretical, theological, and practical principles that are foundational to leading and managing a ministry organization. Topics...
CHED CM13 Age Specific and Intergenerational Educational Ministry
Explores the theory and practice of age-specific generational and intergenerational educational ministry in the church. Attention will be...
PAST TH54 Cultural and Gender Dynamics in Grief, Death and Dying
Explores the ways in which gender and culture dynamics influence one’s understanding and expression of suffering and grief as well as the...
MISS 0655 Ministry in the Margins: Poverty, Justice and Compassion
Explores theology and practical ministry through a socio-economic lens. Students will seek to discover how one’s social location and economic...
PAST 0668 Leadership Dynamics in Congregational Life
Explores what makes for vital congregations. The normative form of Christian existence is the local congregation where God’s people are...
PAST TH52 Biblical and Spiritual Resources in Times of Grief
Explores with biblical and theological resources in the face of death, grief and loss. Topics include how the Bible and the Christian...
THEO 0537 Doing Theology in Context
Exposes students to important shifts and trends in contemporary Christian thought and provides an enriching context for discussion and...
DMSF 0947 Integration: Research Portfolio and Hearing
Facilitates the completion of the summative Doctor of Ministry document, integrating the main three research projects in a portfolio that...
DMML 0953 Integration Portfolio
Facilitates the completion of the summative Doctor of Ministry document, integrating the main three research projects in a portfolio that...
COUN 0693 Families in Transition: Divorce, Single Parenting and Re-Marriage
Family life and structure have become increasingly diverse and complex. This course will utilize a systemic approach to exploring how...
INTD IS22 Colonization and Decolonization
Focuses on contemporary theories regarding colonization and decolonization emerging out of Indigenous studies, critical ethnic studies, and...
DMNO 0902 Imagination and Innovation: Strategic Development for Non-Profit Organizations
Focuses on strategic planning in a Christian ministry context and the importance of how mission, vision and values are articulated in...
THEO 0623 Theology of Church Renewal: Movements of the Spirit
Focuses on the recurring phenomenon of renewal in the Church as a key aspect of a biblical and contemporary ecclesiology. Church renewal will...
COUN 0574 Foundational Perspectives of Christian Counselling
Foundational for subsequent counselling courses. Topics: the integration of psychology and theology, the study of the self, the nature of...
OLDT 0614 Isaiah
Gives an overview of the message of Isaiah in light of the historical and literary setting of the book and the experience of Israel. Special...
MISS 0586 Globalization and the Church: Missional Theology in a Postmodern Culture
Globalization is one of the main features of our contemporary post-modern culture. This course provides a comprehensive theological and...
THEO 0552 Theological Method and Practice
Guides and equips students to reflect critically and constructively on the practice of theology as an academic, pastoral, and missional...
DMML 0942 Philosophy of Christian Leadership
Guides in the articulation of your own grounded philosophy of Christian leadership. May be generic or context specific. Will include a...
THEO IS07 Theology II: Theology and Ethic of the Land
Helps students to develop an integrated understanding of God, humanity and culture focusing on current debates and their bearing on Christian...
MISS 0628 Missional Theology of Place: Sign Posts in a Strange Land
Helps the students to develop greater capacity to research and to exegete their neighbourhoods. The student will learn to see spaces as “...
INTD IS15 Indigenous Symposium Seminar
In order to foster deeper relationships, more effective academic engagement, and an overall greater involvement within the NAIITS community,...
YMIN 0592 Foundations of Ministry with Youth
In the context of an ever-changing culture, youth workers must be ready to assess and develop ways of reaching and discipling today’s...
DMPC 0907 Communicating the Gospel in Unconventional Spaces
In this course we will wrestle theologically with the praxis of creatively communicating the gospel in the unique, diverse spaces to which we...
