Seminary & Graduate Courses

The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered by Tyndale. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "CHED" "YMIN" "DM"


Displaying 276 - 300 of 370

Course code Course Name/Description
DMPC 0912 Proclamation of the Word
Designed to deepen our understanding of how to communicate the gospel in different parts of the biblical text as a theological and pastoral...
DMPC 0907 Communicating the Gospel in Unconventional Spaces
In this course we will wrestle theologically with the praxis of creatively communicating the gospel in the unique, diverse spaces to which we...
DMPC 0904 Embodying the Gospel: Enhancing Communication Skills
Using a seminar and workshop format, this course explores the relationship between speech communication, content, form, and style in...
DMNO 0903 Exploring the Healthy Foundations Necessary for Non-Profit Organizational Leadership
Explores the theoretical, theological, and practical principles that are foundational to leading and managing a ministry organization. Topics...
DMNO 0902 Imagination and Innovation: Strategic Development for Non-Profit Organizations
Focuses on strategic planning in a Christian ministry context and the importance of how mission, vision and values are articulated in...
DMNO 0901 Facing the Unique Challenges of Leading Non-Profit Organizations: Why Business Thinking is not Enough
Looks at the unique issues encountered by Christian leaders in non-profit organizations. Focus will be placed on the organization that you...
DMML 0953 Integration Portfolio
Facilitates the completion of the summative Doctor of Ministry document, integrating the main three research projects in a portfolio that...
DMML 0952 Integration Proposal
Integrating personal growth with project design and ethics awareness, students will be given resources and guidance for the development of an...
DMML 0951 Integration Overview
Introduces the Doctor of Ministry leadership track program, outlines the requirements of the program and the flow of courses, and provides an...
DMML 0943 Ministry-Based Field Research
Centres on a research project arising from your ministry context and leadership. Addresses project design, planning and management, research...
DMML 0942 Philosophy of Christian Leadership
Guides in the articulation of your own grounded philosophy of Christian leadership. May be generic or context specific. Will include a...
DMML 0941 Exegeting Your Ministry Context
Explores research methods used to acquire a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of the local congregation or organization and its...
DMML 0940 Program Continuation
Provides support and guidance for continuing in and completing work for the DMin program. Pass/No Pass. No credits. Permission required.
DMML 0930 Special Topics in Leadership
Examination of specific topics in ministry leadership.
DMML 0920 Directed Reading and Research
Directed Reading and Research (DRR) courses allow students to study in a specific area of interest not addressed by the scheduled course...
DMML 0907 Leadership Development
Explores the leader’s role of intentionally investing in developing others. Examines research, theories, models, practices, and theological...
DMML 0906 The Learning Organization
Students will collectively discuss, examine, and explore why it is essential for churches and Christian NGO’s to be learning organizations in...
DMML 0905 Intercultural Leadership Competency
Intercultural competence is an essential component of a leaders self-awareness, attitude, knowledge and skill for serving in a multicultural...
DMML 0904 Leadership and Systems Theory
Uses systems theories including family systems, complex adaptive systems and the Biblical metaphor of church as body to provide lenses...
DMML 0903 Leadership and Change
Addresses the fundamental leadership competencies of understanding organizational culture, visioning, team building, developing and...
DMML 0902 Theory, Theology, and the Art of Leadership
Considers Biblical perspectives on leadership, various theories of leadership, and the art of leadership. Addresses such subjects as identity...
DMML 0901 Formation of the Leader
Works from the assumption that the leader’s character and inner development are critical to effective leadership of organizations and others...
DMCC 0942 Integration Model and Proposal
The development of an integrated theoretical perspective and practical model of clinical counselling/psychotherapy. This process will...
DMCC 0941 Integration Overview and Person of the Therapist
A critical exploration of the self of therapist as one of the most crucial components in the therapeutic relationship and endeavours....
DMCC 0906 Experiential Therapies
This course involves an in-depth exploration of experiential therapies and the current state of research in the field. Current findings from...
