Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 351 - 375 of 532

Course Code Course Name
EDIT 507 Mathematics I
Builds on EDUI 5233 and EDUI 5243. It provides teacher candidates with the theory, methodology, assessment strategies, knowledge and...
EDIT 505 French as a Second Language I
Provides teacher candidates with a knowledge, understanding and practice of teaching French to intermediate level students whose first...
EDIT 504 English I
Designed to prepare future teachers in developing an informed and reflective practice while working with intermediate students in a diverse...
EDIT 502 Music – Instrumental I
Designed to facilitate deeper study for teacher candidates wishing to teach music at the Intermediate level in Ontario schools. Teacher...
ECON 102 Macroeconomics
Presents an aggregated view of the economy. Theories of national income, growth, unemployment, interest rates and inflation, money and...
ECON 101 Microeconomics
Introduces the basic theoretical framework for describing and explaining decision making in a market-oriented economy. Topics include...
CHRI 417 Financial Management & Evaluation in Nonprofit Organizations
Same as BUSI 417
CHRI 395 Directed Research Project
Student investigates a specific area of ministry under the direction of a mentor who is actively involved in the research and the final...
CHRI 394 Directed Research Methods
Examines various research methods. The student will apply research methods in preparing the initial stages of a Directed Research Project....
CHRI 372 Spiritual Growth and Development
Provides an integrated approach to the study of Christian spirituality and the development of the Christian life. The course examines the...
CHRI 370 Ministry in a Muslim Context
Seeks to understand the globalization of Islam and its challenges to Christianity. It introduces students to a critical understanding of the...
CHRI 369 Internship in Intercultural Studies
Designed to give in-depth exposure to cross- cultural ministry in an area appropriate to the student’s career goals. The intern will be...
CHRI 368 Seminar in Intercultural Studies
A seminar for ministry designed to explore the “folk” nature of religion and why understanding theological systems alone is inadequate. The...
CHRI 367 Cross-Cultural Studies
Same as IDVP 303 and SOCI 307
CHRI 366 Anthropology for Humanitarian Work
Helps students understand the receiver perspective in an international development and humanitarian context. Key questions are asked...
CHRI 364 Ministry in a Multicultural World
Explores various methods of the local church to minister effectively in a culturally diverse world. Students examine multicultural,...
CHRI 362 Modern Missiological Issues
Christ’s command to make disciples of all nations is still relevant. As the gospel has been brought to the nations and throughout the history...
CHRI 361 Global Christianity
Designed as an introduction to the “holy catholic church” in its Canadian and global contexts. Attention will be given to the doctrine of the...
CHRI 350 Directed Studies in Christian Ministries
This independent study option is open to third- year students who wish to explore a topic not covered in the regular curriculum in which the...
CHRI 349 Internship in Pastoral Ministry
Designed to give an in-depth exposure to ministry in an area appropriate to the student’s career goals. The intern will be supervised...
CHRI 347 Theology of Christian Worship
Explores the biblical and theological foundations for Christian worship along with related themes. These themes include the purpose of church...
CHRI 346 History of Christian Worship
Presents a chronological sweep of the development and practice of Christian worship. We will consider the context of Jewish worship and the...
CHRI 344 Seminar in Ministry
This seminar course for ministry is designed to discuss the current issues in the life of the church. Emphasis is placed on personal...
CHRI 343 Preaching
Introduction to the basic elements of sermon preparation, including exegesis, sermon form and elements of communication for preaching....
CHRI 341 Evangelism
Conceptual and practical study to help the local believer and the church present the gospel message in today’s world. Special focus will be...
