Tyndale Seminary Faculty Update

Friday, November 21, 2014

Tyndale Seminary faculty members are researching and teaching across a diverse range of academic disciplines. The following are some recent contributions that faculty members have made to their field of research:

Dr. Barbara M. Leung Lai, Professor of Old Testament, was invited by ATS to represent Tyndale Seminary faculty at the ATS- sponsored consultation on “Research and Faculty Support”  at the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Annual Meeting in November 2014 in San Diego, California. She also presented her paper at the “Biblical and Practical Theology” section at the Annual Meeting. Her lecture is titled “Text and Praxis: Embracing Tensions, Engaging Life.” As co-chair of the “Psychology and Biblical Studies” section, she presided at the “Ritual, Psychology, and the Bible” session.

Dr. John Kessler, Professor of Old Testament, authored an article titled “Haggai 2:5a: Translation, Significance, Purpose, and Origin” which was published in the October 2014 issue of Transeuphratène: Bible et Orient Mélanges André Lemaire. Dr. Kessler’s book Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel: Prophetic Hope in the Late Babylonian and Persian Periods was published by Mohr Siebeck in October 2014.

Dr. James E. Pedlar, Assistant Professor of Wesley Studies and Theology, lectured at the Toward an Evangelical Feminism: Fall Regional Conference of the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association event in October 2014 at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. His lecture "Pentecost and Perfection: Theological Roots of Phoebe Palmer's Evangelical Feminism" was focused on the holiness teacher and writer Phoebe Palmer who is generally recognized as the “Mother of the Holiness Movement.” Palmer also formulated pioneering arguments in support of the public ministry of women in the church. Dr. Pedlar’s paper looked at how Palmer's theology of the Holy Spirit and her understanding of holiness were at the root of her arguments concerning women in ministry.

Dr. Kevin Livingston, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry, has preached at a variety of venues recently, including the Tyndale Seminary retreat, a seven-week speaking residency at St. Andrew's-Chalmers Presbyterian Church in Uxbridge, Ontario, and at Knox Church in Toronto. Dr. Livingston also led two elders' workshops in Presbyterian congregations in conversation on a biblical and pastoral response to same-sex attraction.

Dr. Yau Man Siew, Associate Professor of Christian Education & Formation, lectured at the “Christian Education: What, Why, Who and How?” course held in October 2014 at Tyndale. The course was part of the Certificate in Christian Ministry program for laity offered by the Department of Extension Education of Canadian Chinese School of Theology at Tyndale Seminary (CCSTTS). Students came from various churches in the Greater Toronto Area to learn about the theology and practice of Christian education for church and mission. Dr. Siew also spoke at the Centre of Excellence in Christian Education (CECE) Annual Conference in November 2014 at St. John’s York Mills Anglican Church in Toronto. He presented his lecture “Teach, Grow, Bear Fruit, Disciple: A Biblical Theology of Christian Education & Implications for Children’s Ministry” to 150 participants from churches in various denominations. Dr. Siew’s session addressed why Christian education is critical to the vitality and mission of the church from the perspective of biblical theology, with focused implications for children's ministry.

In October 2014, Dr. Dennis Ngien, Professor of Systematic Theology, attended the Inaugural Event of Professor Dr. Alister McGrath who was appointed Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University. Dr. Ngien was also recently recognized by Dr. Michael Parsons, who dedicated his book Reformation Faith: Exegesis and Theology in the Protestant Reformation (Wipf and Stock, 2014) to Dr. Ngien in appreciation of his scholarly contributions. The book is part of the prestigious “Studies in Christian History and Thought” series.

Dr. Rebecca Idestrom, Associate Professor of Old Testament, is currently on her sabbatical at Tyndale House in Cambridge, England, where she is using their biblical studies library to work on her book, which has been accepted for publication. Her book is titled "Show Me Your Glory": The Glory of God in the Old Testament (Eugene: PICKWICK Publications, forthcoming).


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