Dr. L. Keith Taylor
Formerly Keith was a Chaplain Palliative Care, Southlake Regional Health Centre. He also worked as a Trauma Clinician, Trauma Management Group, Ottawa and was a Trainer for the Toronto North Command Firefighters for Critical Stress Incidents. Previously he was also the Director, Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre in Newmarket.
Keith retired following over 30 years of pastoral ministry at the Newmarket Church of the Nazarene. Keith teaches multiple thanatology courses at Tyndale Seminary focusing on disenfranchised grief and complicated grief. He is a Member of the Association for Death Education and Counselling. Keith is a grief educator and seminar speaker. Founder/Director: Handle with Care. Bereavement Counselling Services and author of Well-Intentioned People Say Dumb Things: Practical advice for comforting those who are grieving.
Let’s stay in touch…
Our commitment is to accompany those who mourn as well as to be a resource for the church, professionals and the general public.
Email: grief-loss [at] tyndale [dot] ca
Phone: 289-319-1071
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Upcoming Events
A review of faith-based concerns and an exploration of how we can encourage our faith communities to engage more frequently in conversation on dying and death.
The Tyndale Centre for Grief and Loss invites you to join us for the second annual Embracing Grief With Hope Conference featuring Dr. Bill Hoy, Pastor, Presenter, Counsellor, Educator and recently retired (18 years) clinical professor of Medical Humanities at Baylor University.