How to register for a DRR course
1. Fill out the DRR request form
- Based on the information provided on the DRR request form, the Dean's Office will determine a suitable instructor to supervise a DRR course. The Dean's Office will notify the student when a suitable supervisor has been found.
- NOTE: Faculty will consider requests to supervise a DRR course on the basis of their expertise in the field. Faculty will not accept a proposal to work outside of their fields of competence.
- Because DRR courses require custom-designed course requirements and performance evaluation, as well as additional workload for faculty supervisors, students wishing to apply for a DRR should begin the process early (at least two months in advance). The deadline for DRR requests is two weeks prior to the registration deadline.
2. Approval from supervisor
- The Dean's Office will request and obtain approval from the suggested faculty supervisor on the student’s behalf.
3. Prepare a syllabus with your supervisor.
- Once the DRR course has been approved, students will prepare in consultation with the faculty supervisor a course syllabus and reading list to be approved by the Academic Dean.
- Reading for a DRR course will normally consist of approximately 2000 pages. A lesser number of pages may be appropriate when the course includes other forms of structured learning experiences.
- Writing assignments for a DRR course will normally total approximately 6000-7000 words of written work that reflects a scholarly treatment of the topic at the graduate level.
4. Submit the course syllabus to the Seminary Dean's Office for approval at least two weeks prior to the registration deadline for the semester.
5. Approval / Denial from the Academic Dean or Designate
6. Registration
- The Office of the Registrar will process the application. Check the portal for the status of your course.
- All requests for DRR courses must be approved by the Academic Dean.
- Final approval of the designated faculty supervisor rests with the Academic Dean who takes into consideration faculty workload.
- Approved or denied application will be notified to student.
- Approved request form will be forward to the Office of the Registrar for registration.
General Registration Information
Please note that DRR courses start and end in concert with the standard academic semester (Fall, Winter, Spring). Students register for a DRR at the beginning of each of the three semesters and complete the course by the end of the corresponding semester.
If you have any questions, please email drr [at] tyndale [dot] ca.