Seminary Degree Comparison

Tyndale University

Seminary Degree Comparison.

Tyndale has many innovative and creative ways to study. Learn more about our Degree and Diploma Options.

Seminary Degree and Diploma Online Options

Program duration is based on a traditional, full course load. Program may be completed part-time over a longer period of time.

Online Options:

Tyndale University aims to deliver the best student experience possible. Some courses may be offered in-person with a synchronous online option, while other courses may be offered online in a fully synchronous or asynchronous format. Learn more about our learning formats

  • You can complete a Graduate Diploma, MTS or MDiv fully online.
  • Most MA programs and courses may be completed fully online.
  • Most ThM courses may be available in one of the online learning formats.
  • Post-Graduate Diplomas may be completed fully online.
  • The DMin degree is completed in a cohort model with some sequenced courses. Students complete 12 courses within 3 years, with distance learning and residency phases each year.
    • The Distance Learning phase includes reading, writing, research, reflection, application and collaboration primarily supported by teachers, personal growth coaches and research portfolio advisors.
    • The residency phase – two weeks in June and one week in January – includes worship and prayer, lectures, plenary discussions, group activities, small group meetings and individual work.