Commuter Life Tips

Are you commuting to campus? Here are some great tips for commuter students...

If you’re travelling by TTC, get a Presto card and make sure to put money on it.

Carpool when possible. Depending on where you’re coming from, you can make the most of carpool lanes, you’ll have a more fun commute, and an extra set of eyes to spot good parking spots. Plus, it’s better for the environment.

Arrive early to your classes. Use the extra time to connect with classmates or check your work. If you’re planning to drive to campus, you’ll need to leave extra time to find a parking spot. All students will need to leave time to check in, complete a screening (if you didn’t do it in advance) and follow safety protocols.

Organize your paper and notes for all classes into a single binder with dividers, as opposed to having a notebook for each class. It will feel less heavy and you won’t have to worry that you brought the wrong notebook.

Get a locker if you’ll be regularly commuting! Store a pair of indoor shoes, an extra set of clothes, reusable masks, and snacks.

Sometimes it’s better to stay on campus for another hour or two to avoid traffic and get things done—especially during the winter months.

The more time you spend on campus, the more involved you’ll feel. Instead of rushing off after class, explore campus grounds and find study spots that work for you. Also check out the services Tyndale offers to make the most of your university/seminary experience!

Do you have a great commuter life tip for us?

Email us your tips at webteam [at] tyndale [dot] ca and we will add them to this list!