Introduction to the New Testament

A Bible Study Led by Your Church, Video-Taught by Tyndale Seminary

Introduction to the New Testament is a Bible study course for those who are tired of the status quo and want to engage the scriptures at a new level by tackling honest questions about Jesus in the New Testament.

What You’re Getting

Transformative Learning in a Local Church Setting

Together with your church group in the comforts of your church, you will delve into the New Testament over 12 weeks (see Course Outline for an overview). You’ll explore the production and canonization of the New Testament, discover the storyline that runs through the Bible, and apply New Testament themes to your lives, during the post-video small group discussions.

Flexible Pace & Curriculum

You and your church can decide the best pace for the 12 sessions. The 12 sessions do not have to be 12 consecutive weeks.

Duncan ReidAccess to a New Testament Professor

Dr. Duncan Reid will guide your study group through a series of video lectures. He will be accessible online to respond to your questions and comments as you progress through the course.

Credit Option

Participants can choose from three different levels of participation: sit-in, full participation for a certificate of completion or course credit from Tyndale Seminary.

Church Criteria

To host Introduction to the New Testament at your local church, your church needs to have the following:

  • A pastor, staff member or lay leader with a minimum MDiv degree to guide discussions
  • Facilities and technological capabilities to support the viewing of 20-30 minute video lectures

Textbooks & Fees

Participants choose from 3 levels of participation:

  • Attendance (sit-in): $200
  • Certificate of Completion: $400
  • Course Credit: $1,250

Students who would like to take this course for credit must apply through Tyndale Admissions (email Admissions at admissions [at] tyndale [dot] ca (subject: Intro%20to%20NT%20-%20seminary%20credit) ) and purchase the textbook.

Churches host the course at no cost and will receive a percentage of revenues for facilitator fees. Please send an email to tolc [at] tyndale [dot] ca (subject: Intro%20to%20NT)  and register your church group.

What Others Are Saying

Matthew Eckert“Within only a few weeks of Introduction to the New Testament, participants were fully engaged and were being stretched in new ways.” 

Dr. Matthew Eckert, Discipleship Pastor, North Park Community Church

Get Started

If you'd like to set-up an appointment with us for a preliminary consult about this opportunity, or have a general inquiry, please contact Tyndale Open Learning Centre at tolc [at] tyndale [dot] ca (subject: Intro%20to%20NT) .

Course Outline

This course will introduce your church to the New Testament through exploring a representative sample of New Testament books and some of the key historical, theological and interpretative issues related to each book.

  • Session 1: The New Testament as scripture: its production, transmission, canonization, translation and interpretation. 
  • Session 2: The NT in its historical setting: an introduction to Jewish and Greco-Roman historical background for understanding the NT
  • Session 3: Jesus and the Gospels: Historical Jesus, Gospel research and interpretation
  • Session 4: Jesus and the Gospels: Mark and Matthew
  • Session 5: Jesus and the Gospels: John and the Johannine Literature
  • Session 6: From Jesus to the church: Luke and Acts
  • Session 7: Paul and his letters: Letter writing, the life of Paul, his letters and theology
  • Session 8: Paul and his letters: Galatians and Romans
  • Session 9: Paul and his letters: Corinthians and Philippians
  • Session 10:  Paul and his Letters: Ephesians and Colossians
  • Session 11: The Catholic Epistles: Hebrews and James
  • Session 12: The Catholic Epistles: I-II Peter and Jude