The Doctor of Ministry Leadership Track focuses on improving leadership capacity to understand systems, manage change, and develop as an organization. It combines theory with practice, theology with ministry, and collaborative learning with individual projects. Students work on three major projects and complete their program with an integrated research portfolio.
Next track begins:
May 2025
Application Deadlines
January 15, 2025 (Canadian Students)
December 15, 2024 (International Students)
Residency Dates
June 9-20, 2025
January 5-9, 2026
Program Format
The Doctor of Ministry Leadership Track is a cohort model, with some sequenced courses. Students will complete 12 courses within 3 years, with distance learning and residency phases each year.
- The distance learning phase includes reading, writing, research, reflection, application, and collaboration primarily supported by teachers, personal growth coaches, and research portfolio advisors.
- The residency phase – two weeks in June and one week in January – includes worship and prayer, lectures, plenary discussions, group activities, small group meetings, and individual work.
Post-DMin Certificate
The Post-DMin Certificate is designed for people who already have a DMin but want to take additional courses as continued education. Students will complete 3 courses† within 3 years.
Course titles, descriptions and sequence may be modified when warranted after due process by the DMin Program Committee and Academic Planning Committee.
Year A
- DMML 0901 Formation of the Leader
- DMML 0904 Leadership and Systems Theory†
- DMML 0951 Integration Overview
- DMML 0941 Exegeting Your Ministry Context
Year B
- DMML 0907 Leadership Development
- DMML 0903 Leadership and Change†
- DMML 0942 Philosophy of Christian Leadership
- DMML 0952 Integration Proposal
Year C
- DMML 0943 Ministry-Based Field Research
- DMML 0906 The Learning Organization†
- DMML 0905 Intercultural Leadership Competency
- DMML 0953 Integration Portfolio
† Courses included in the Post-DMin Certificate
Leadership Faculty & Instructors

Janet Clark
Janet Clark is the Dean Emerita of Tyndale University. She brings to her work a passion for holistic theological education that interweaves the spiritual, intellectual, vocational, and missional dimensions of Christian leadership.

Janyne Emsick
Janyne Peek Emsick is the president of Integrown Inc. and an expert in leadership development, organizational change and adult learning. She has over 20 years of global experience designing and leading custom programs for organizations and teaches around the world.

Morar Murray-Hayes
Morar Murray-Hayes is the senior minister at Maple Grove United Church and has over 40 years of pastoral and leadership experience. She has taught at theological schools in Ontario and British Columbia and specializes in revitalization of congregations, compliancy and interfaith dialogue.

Narry Santos
Narry Santos is the Assistant Professor of Christian Ministry and Intercultural Leadership and has experience in frontline ministry and church planting. He was born in the Philippines and received a PhD in the New Testament along with a PhD in Philippine Studies. He has served as a full-time pastor and church planter for over two decades.

James Watson
James Watson is the consultant for Congregational Health and Planting, the Salvation Army. He advises national research on churches’ responses to Covid and teaches on congregational change.