A Creative Minority: Influencing Culture Through Redemptive Participation
Book Redemptive Entrepreneurship
How should the church engage our culture? The recent political cycle has shattered the lens through which the American church has looked at politics through much of our lifetimes. If we return to the Scriptures, we see Jesus offers us a compelling, alternative vision. His heart was that His...

A Rule of Life for Redemptive Entrepreneurs
Book Redemptive Entrepreneurship
The use of a rule of life — a set of practices to guard our habits and guide our lives — goes at least back to the Old Testament figure of Daniel. As an exile, Daniel was in an unfamiliar cultural context that provided no support for the practice of his faith — and as a leadership trainee in the...

Getting to know … The Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship
Article Redemptive Entrepreneurship
Article first posted on tyndale.ca on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 → The path of a Canadian Christian business leader can be a lonely one. Without a supportive church community to support their practical, spiritual and venture endeavours, many Christian entrepreneurs feel misunderstood,...

Integrating Faith & Work/Business As Influencers
Article Redemptive Imagination
Creative restoration through sacrifice, Redemptive entrepreneurship framework, the Flourishing Pathway – these are the subject matters we rarely address within the Christian community. Representing the Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship (CRE), the CRE team had a unique opportunity to do...

Recognizing our Identity and our Mission
Podcast Redemptive Entrepreneurship
This Chapel Podcast episode was recorded on Tuesday October 12, 2021 → This week we are very pleased to have Philip Yan as our speaker. Philip is the Director of the Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship at Tyndale University. Philip is the founder and chief experience designer of...

The Redemptive Business: A Playbook for Leaders
Book Redemptive Entrepreneurship
This Playbook is for founders, funders, and teams building businesses that seek to operate not only ethically but even redemptively—with deep interest in their cultural impact, generous care for their teams and partners, and leadership marked by uncommonly humble ambition.

The Redemptive Nonprofit: A Playbook for Leaders
Book Redemptive Entrepreneurship
In the century since its invention, the nonprofit organization structure has powered immense social good, by enabling countless entrepreneurial leaders to address problems not adequately served by the market. But when it comes to delivering that social good today, many nonprofits fall short of...
Let’s stay in touch…
Christian entrepreneurs, particularly younger generations, have great potential to shape culture through businesses aligned with the biblical principles of stewardship and restoration. With the CRE, we are beginning a movement to reclaim the public square across Canada, demonstrating our faith in all spheres of God’s kingdom.
→ Join the CRE mailing list for updates and ways to get involved!