Hudson Taylor Centre for Chinese Ministries

Sermon Feedback Project /「聖言聆應」

Pulpit preaching is an important means in the building up of a church. Besides the preachers’ own diligence in preparation, a channel to obtain feedback on their actual delivery would be of utmost benefits. The Sermon Feedback Project is to provide such a mechanism.

教會講道是信徒牧養重要的一環,講道者除了在神面前等候,用心準備外,若能在講道之後,得著一些 「聽眾」聆聽及回應,對講道是有 一定的幫助,也能叫事奉更被主使 用。「聖言聆應」計劃是為此目的而設。

Request for Sermon Feedback Service /  要求『聖言聆應』服務

Complete the Sermon Feedback Request Form and email it to htc [at] tyndale [dot] ca.

Download Sermon Feedback Request Form / 下載『聖言聆應』報名表格

Users’ response (用者回應)

I found the comments are really helpful, and I learnt a lot from them, I will revise my sermon based on their valuable comments. I will definitely attend again…

The feedback are very helpful to me. The two reviewers in different angles helps to provide comments complementing each other, which helps me to have a more complete understanding on what I should pay attention on delivering God's Word. The reviewers' comments are very encouraging to me, make me feel very comfortable and feel safe to submit more sermons for review and feedback.

Resources / 資源

Sermon Feedback Ministry / 聖言聆應

This September 2018 edition of Tyndale Link, a newsletter of the Hudson Taylor Centre features an article about our sermon feedback ministry.

Posted on: December 9, 2018