
For more info on Christian Education and Formation faculty including bios, publications, courses taught and current research interests, click on the names of the professors.

Dr. Yau Man Siew

Associate Professor of Christian Education and Formation

BPharm(Hons.), University of Wales College of Cardiff, 1979
DipTh, Discipleship Training Centre, Singapore, 1983
MDiv, Regent College, 1990
PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1994
Visiting Scholar, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT), 2000-01.
Visiting Scholar, Columbia University (Teachers College), 2008-09.

Dr. Bruce Martin

Part-Time Lecturer, Christian Education and Formation

Dr. Elaine Becker

Part-Time Lecturer, Christian Education and Formation

Dr. Tom McCormick

Part-Time Lecturer, Christian Education and Formation