Who We Are
Writing and Tutoring Services exists to assist Tyndale students of every discipline with their academic needs. Our skilled and approachable student Consultants help with assignments, study skills, and in-class learning through two kinds of support: Writing Consultation and Academic Tutoring.
Writing Services
Tyndale’s Writing Services are free for all registered Tyndale students, regardless of degree, skill level, or area of study. We can help you at any stage of the paper writing process, including brainstorming, researching, outlining, thesis crafting, drafting, editing and revising, citations, and paper formatting. Students are eligible for up to one hour of writing support each week, schedule permitting.
Tutoring Services
Tyndale's Tutoring Services are free for all Undergraduate (excluding BEd) students and SEM students in language classes. Students are eligible for up to one hour of tutoring support each week, schedule permitting.
Other Writing and Tutoring Supports
Policies and Service Agreement
Learn more about the policies for attending sessions at Writing and Tutoring Services.Book an In-Class Seminar
Writing and Tutoring Services is happy to partner with professors to prepare and present in-class seminars. If you wish to book a seminar, please provide at least three weeks' notice and an overview of your requirements.Resources
Discover web resources, tip sheets, CAE Talks YouTube videos, and other links to answer your writing and tutoring questions.Meet our Team
Want to know who you can work with? Check out our Consultant Profiles to learn more about our team and find out if we're hiring!
For any other questions, you can contact us at writing [at] tyndale [dot] ca.

Brent Bonvanie
Learning Specialist, Writing and Tutoring Services
Email: bbonvanie [at] tyndale [dot] ca
Phone: 416-226-6620 (ext. 2121)