Tyndale Library Digital Archives

This collection contains historical publications of Tyndale University and its preceding institutions. We are pleased to make these resources available to scholars, alumni and friends to view online.

Year Title Publication Typesort descending
1962 68th graduation service (1962)
April 27, 1962, at Varsity Arena
Graduation Program
1993 Fifteenth graduation Service (1993)
May 8, 1993 at Agincourt Pentecostal Church
Graduation Program
1945 Seventh annual commencement programme of the London Bible Institute
May 29, 1945, at H.B. Beal Technical Auditorium
Graduation Program
1930 Graduating exercises of the Thirty-sixth session of the Toronto Bible College (1930)
April 25, 1930, at Trinity United Church
Graduation Program
1961 67th graduation service (1961)
April 28, 1961, at Varsity Arena
Graduation Program
1994 Sixteenth graduation Service (1994)
May 7, 1994 at Agincourt Pentecostal Church
Graduation Program
1944 Program of the sixth annual commencement of the London Bible Institute
May 30, 1944, at H.B. Beal Technical Auditorium
Graduation Program
1941 Program of the third annual commencement of the London Bible Institute
June 3, 1941, at London Gospel Centre; Photocopy
Graduation Program
1929 Graduating exercises of the Thirty-fifth session (1929)
April 26, 1929, at Trinity United Church
Graduation Program
1960 66th graduation service (1960)
April 29, 1960, at Varsity Arena
Graduation Program
1995 Seventeenth graduation Service (1995)
May 6, 1995 at Agincourt Pentecostal Church
Graduation Program
1943 Program of the fifth annual commencement of the London Bible Institute
June 1, 1943, at London Gospel Centre; Photocopy
Graduation Program
1939 London Bible Institute Commencement program (1939)
June 2, 1939, at London Gospel Centre; Photocopy
Graduation Program
1928 Graduating exercises of the Thirty-fourth session (1928)
April 27, 1928, at Knox Church
Graduation Program
1959 65th graduation service (1959)
April 24, 1959, at Varsity Arena
Graduation Program
1996 Convocation XVIII (1996)
May 11, 199 at Agincourt Pentecostal Church
Graduation Program
1942 Program of the fourth annual commencement of the London Bible Institute
June 2, 1942, at London Gospel Centre
Graduation Program
1927 Graduating exercises of the Thirty-third session (1927)
April 29, 1927, at Trinity United Church
Graduation Program
1958 64th graduation service (1958)
April 25, 1958, at Varsity Arena
Graduation Program
1997 Graduation Service (1997)
Graduation Service, May 3, 1997 at Queensway...
Graduation Program
1926 Graduating exercises of the Thirty-second session (1926)
April 30, 1926, at Knox Church
Graduation Program
1957 Graduating exercises of the Sixty-third session (1957)
April 26, 1957, at Varsity Arena
Graduation Program
1998 Graduation (1998)
May 2, 1998 at Queensway Cathedral
Graduation Program
1925 Graduating exercises of the Thirty-first session (1925)
April 24, 1925, at Knox Church
Graduation Program
1956 Graduating exercises of the Sixty-second session (1956)
April 27, 1956, at Varsity Arena
Graduation Program
