Tyndale Library Digital Archives

This collection contains historical publications of Tyndale University and its preceding institutions. We are pleased to make these resources available to scholars, alumni and friends to view online.

Year Titlesort ascending Publication Type
1945 Seventh annual commencement programme of the London Bible Institute
May 29, 1945, at H.B. Beal Technical Auditorium
Graduation Program
1995 Seventeenth graduation Service (1995)
May 6, 1995 at Agincourt Pentecostal Church
Graduation Program
1955 Seventeenth annual graduation programme
Baccalaureate service, May 15, 1955; Commencement...
Graduation Program
1980 Second graduation Service (1980)
May 9, 1980 at Bayview Glen Church
Graduation Program
1903 Recorder Dec 1903) Periodical
1956 Recorder (Sept. 1956) Periodical
1955 Recorder (Sept. 1955) Periodical
1954 Recorder (Sept. 1954) Periodical
1953 Recorder (Sept. 1953) Periodical
1952 Recorder (Sept. 1952) Periodical
1951 Recorder (Sept. 1951) Periodical
1950 Recorder (Sept. 1950) Periodical
1949 Recorder (Sept. 1949) Periodical
1948 Recorder (Sept. 1948) Periodical
1947 Recorder (Sept. 1947) Periodical
1946 Recorder (Sept. 1946) Periodical
1945 Recorder (Sept. 1945) Periodical
1944 Recorder (Sept. 1944) Periodical
1943 Recorder (Sept. 1943) Periodical
1942 Recorder (Sept. 1942) Periodical
1941 Recorder (Sept. 1941) Periodical
1940 Recorder (Sept. 1940)
Narrow margins. Tight binding. Some materials run...
1939 Recorder (Sept. 1939)
Narrow margins. Tight binding. Some materials run...
1938 Recorder (Sept. 1938)
Narrow margins. Tight binding. Some materials run...
1937 Recorder (Sept. 1937)
Narrow margins. Tight binding. Some materials run...
