Undergraduate Courses

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by Tyndale University. You can also see the course schedule for specific terms.

TIP: You may narrow down the list of courses using the course code search below. Enter the course code or partial course code and click on "Apply" —examples: "HIST" "BUSI" "PHIL" "101"


Displaying 326 - 350 of 532

Course Code Course Name
MATH 131 Introductory Linear Algebra
Linear algebra is the study of linear systems of equations, vector spaces and linear transformations. Solving systems of linear equations is...
MEDA 3XX Small Media Business Ownership
Many graduates will become entrepreneurs and start their own business because of the contractual nature of media projects. Media producers...
MEDA 4XX Advanced Project Management for Media
Media creation is a team-activity that requires organized workflow to manage people to complete projects. Advanced Project Management for...
MEDA 2XX Film as Philosophy
Media in the 21st century is an expression of philosophy and theology. Demonstrated in Film as Philosophy, students hear from philosophers...
MEDA 3XX Media, Meaning, Ethics, and Faith
Media is entertaining, educational, poetic, and a dialectic tool that requires an ability to discern the messages behind content. Media,...
IDVP 311 Microfinance in Theory and Practice
Microfinance provides financial services to the poor and has often been touted as a model example of a social entrepreneurship innovation...
ENGL 425 The Romantic Epic
Observes how the writers of the Romantic age engaged with John Milton both as a political figure and as an epic poet. Prerequisite: 6 credit...
BSTH 383 Islam
Offers a comprehensive study of Islam, examining its history, fundamental beliefs and concepts, schools of thought, rituals and practices,...
ENGL 400 History of Literary Theory
Offers a survey of the major theorists of literature, from Plato and Aristotle to Augustine and Sidney, before looking at neoclassical...
SOCI 331 Violent Crime: Clinical and Social Implications
Offers a unique and interdisciplinary focus on the roots of violence. It explores cutting-edge research on the etiology, nature, assessment...
MUSC 302 Music of World Cultures
Offers an introduction to the music of various cultures throughout the world. The course will provide an overview of the music of the...
CHRI 308 Internship in Pentecostal Ministry
Open only to students in the Pentecostal ministry preparation stream and is offered only on site in Newfoundland and Labrador. It is designed...
BSTH 350 Directed Study in Biblical Studies and Theology
Open to third- and fourth-year students who wish to explore a topic not covered in the regular curriculum and in which the professor has an...
BUSI 101 Introduction to Business
Outlines the basic principles of business and the history and development of the set of activities, functions and systems that together...
BUSI 231 Marketing
Outlines the marketing function and its relation to other business functions in the organization. A study of product development, pricing...
HIST 346 Winston Churchill: His Life, Times, and Leadership
Outside of Shakespeare, Winston Churchill is probably the best-known Englishman of all-time. His varied career as a soldier, journalist,...
ARTM 161 Introduction to Painting
Painting is a powerful tool for expressing how we see the world. This is an introductory course that focuses on a basic survey of water-based...
MUSC 491 Worship Leadership Project
Performed in the final semester of study, students will display their skill in leading various music ensembles – vocal and instrumental,...
MUSC 490 Recital II
Performed in the final year of study, students in the vocal or instrumental disciplines will display their skill through the performance of...
MUSC 390 Recital I
Performed in the third year of study, students in the vocal or instrumental disciplines will display their skill through the performance of...
LING 302 Language and Culture Acquisition
Practical introduction to language and culture learning for linguists, missionaries and professionals who find themselves in areas where no...
CHRI 231 The Practice of Youth Ministry
Practical skills designed to assist the student in developing a strategy for youth ministry in a variety of settings (i.e., church or church-...
CHRI 211 Leadership
Prepares students to lead and manage volunteer organizations, with special emphasis on church and church-related organizations. Students will...
EDUI 506 Health and Physical Education JI
Prepares teacher candidates to work with students in Grades 4 to 10 in ways that enable and encourage them to develop the commitment and...
EDUP 506 Health and Physical Education PJ
Prepares teacher candidates to work with students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 in ways that enable and encourage them to develop the commitment...
